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  1. I

    Can't Set Up Recording via DTV website

    I'm trying to set up a recording via DTV's website. I subscribe to NHL Center Ice and my account shows it as such. I'm signed in to my account and tracked down the game I want on channel 774 (HD feed). When I hit the record button, I get a message saying I'm not authorized for this...
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    Genie and phone interference?

    Turns out there was a problem with the phone line outside the house. Some sore of filter was broken. Phone company was out yesterday and fixed it. Now able to use my land line again! ?thanks for all for suggestions
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    Genie and phone interference?

    Did this, no luck. Still have the hum on the phone.
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    Genie and phone interference?

    Got my Genie installed on Saturday. They installed a HR44 and I kept one of my HR22's, so have 7 tuners. Ever since the install, I've noticed the sound quality of my home phone (cordless phones, not my mobile)is really bad. Hard to hear some callers, constant humming. Wonder if it's some sort...
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    To Genie or Not to Genie

    Thanks for the advice. Ended up taking the plunge with the Genie (upgrading for no fee, includes installation) and keeping one of the HR22 so I'll have 7 tuners. Was able to get $20 off/month for 12 months. Asked if I could get the NHL Center Ice package free but that was a no go...
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    To Genie or Not to Genie

    I've been a DTV subscriber for 12 years. I currently have 2 HD-DVRs (both HR22-100) and qualify for an upgrade. So my question is: is it worth upgrading to Genie or should I go for something else? Already paying more than my wife wants (Premier with all the movie channels, NHL Center Ice...
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    what is this "fox 1 sports"

    Isn't Fox Soccer going away? They lost the English League contract to NBC Sports and BeIn has just about everything else.
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    NHL CI-Accepting Orders/Renewals Yet?

    Just went into my account to make sure I'm set for NHL CI games tonight (free preview ended last night). Account shows $0 owed for this, so not sure if I'm automatically renewed. Went to NHL CI page on Directv site and still getting the message that this package is out of season, check back...
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    Center Ice

    Just went to DTV site, was hoping they'd posted the schedule along with team feed information on the NHL CI Package page. But so far no luck. Would be great if they included that info on the Guide listings too. Got a few games I need to DVR, want to make sure I choose the right feed. Go Hawks!
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    Center Ice

    So when will Directv have the games listed in the guide? Need to set the recorder for a few games, hope the listings are posted soon.
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    NHL Scheduled to Return - what about Center Ice customers?

    I'm hearing rumors/suggestions that the NHL should make Center Ice free for the season to get back on the fans' good side. I'd take that!
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    Nomad First Look

    Page on the Directv site says it doesn't support iPad yet. But I'm seeing folks here state otherwise. So my question is does it or doesn't it support iPad? Am interested in getting this so we can download programs to iPad and take on trips.
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    Apologies if this has been addressed, did a quick search but didn't find any results. Have recently got an iPad and love being able to utilize the HBOGo, MaxGo and DirecTV apps. I figured there are other networks that over similar services. Anyone have any insight if ESPN might make their...
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    SFO bars with NHL Center Ice

    Everyone, thanks for the suggestions. I'll be with my 2 young sons so wanted to stay in the Union Square area. Going to try to pawn them off to grandpa for the evening at the hotel. Otherwise I'd be willing to travel far and way to watch the Hawks vs Flyers on Thursday!
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    SFO bars with NHL Center Ice

    Heading to San Francisco this weekend. Anyone know of a sports bar (in the city, preferably close to the union square area) that carries the NHL Center Ice package? Thanks, Indy
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    Paid VOD partial download

    Stonecold, Thanks for the advice. Ended up talking to a regular customer service rep and he was able to refund the purchase price plus gave me a $5 credit for the next 2 months. So basically got a $15 credit. I was happy with that, thought it was fair. Bob
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    Paid VOD partial download

    I did a quick search but couldn't find anything on this subject. I apologize if I'm bringing up an old topic. So here's the deal. Used VOD to download "Up in the Air' (HD version) this weekend. Took an entire night to download (not unexpected). When I finally got to watch it Sunday night...
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    What day in May for new HD?

    Noticed that VS now has an alternate channel and it's in HD. Was a game saver last night for the Chicago v Vancouver game, due to the Philly v. Boston game going extra periods. Would have been majorly aggrevated if I missed the Chicago game because of this. Not sure that counts as a new...
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    VS & NHL Center Ice Playoff Question

    Sorry if this has been asked before, couldn't track it down. Long story short, I'm in St Louis and have the Center Ice package. VS has a number of playoff games that are listed as "JIP"=Join in Progress. Will I be able to get those VS-JIP games through Center Ice on the team's local broadcast...
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    Dtv & Versus

    Was listening to Hockey Night In Canada on Sirrius this afternoon. They had the guy that runs on and a caller asked if he'd heard anything about VS and DTV coming to an agreement. He said he had heard it but his sources at VS claimed it wasn't true. They seem pessimistic that...
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    what do you want from D12

    Versus (HD or otherwise, I don't care just as long as it's in time for the NHL playoffs) Fox Soccer HD Gol HD Travel HD More Center Ice HD feeds GAC HD MSNBC HD
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    NHL Center Ice question regarding multiple feeds, and the guide

    Got to Directv's website and look up the Center Ice page. On the left side of the page, you 'll see two tabs: Overview and Schedule. The Schedule page will have the listings telling you the feed by team. Only issue i have is if there aren't multiple feeds, they don't say which feed you're...
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    Versus deal close????

    EJ Hardek on ESPN.Com is saying there may be some movement on this issue. However, since I'm not an ESPN Insider and can't get tot he article. Anyone an Insider and able to see what Mr Bettman has said on the subject? I don't want to get too excited, but if I miss the Blackhawks best chance...