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  1. aaronwt6

    DISH and 4K

    I've got to completely agree with this and add to it. I buy salvage TVs for parts. Some of these have been tossed around, put in piles, damaged in every way imaginable. Despite all of this, I find that unless the plasma panel has been shattered, I can typically find the bad part, replace, and...
  2. aaronwt6

    New Wireless Joey Info!!!

    The other issue with using a customers router to run a Joey wirelessly is you clog up their home network and many older 'G' routers can't even handle an HD stream. I'm running a Joey wirelessly in my son's room with one of Dish's USB adapters and had to upgrade my wireless router to keep if...
  3. aaronwt6

    Programming Not Authorized popping up on 211K

    Does the receiver have a smartcard in the card slot or is it internal? If it's got a card, pull the card out, clean the contacts, and re-insert. If it's internal then the receiver is probably going to need to be replaced due to a bad connection with the smart card inside. This would be my...
  4. aaronwt6

    Hopper/Joey Freezing

    This could also just be coincidence that it happened after an update and may actually be a failing hard drive. Just a thought.
  5. aaronwt6

    1/29/2014 1:17am - Uplink Activity Report - 141 changes

    Hey, what's that sound. Everybody look what's going down. Beat me to it Scott.
  6. aaronwt6

    I want an IPad

    I was curious as to how long it took people to get the ipad after the 3rd referral? Anyone that's received one want to chime in? My 3rd referral will be getting installed on Saturday. Thanks in advance!
  7. aaronwt6

    Receiver Issue -

    Pull the card out, wipe the contacts, and re-insert. It sounds to me like the receiver is reading the old internal chip in the receiver instead of the smart card.
  8. aaronwt6

    New Roof...same location

    Agreed. Looks like a horrible job. And why they would wrap the cable around the mast like that is beyond me as well.
  9. aaronwt6

    Hopper super dish 105 lnb compata ility

    If you have a clear view farther to the west using your current dish location I'd go with western arc since you have the dish pointing in that direction already. If you are wide open to the southeast, I find the 1000.2 with the DPP Twin easier to aim from an install standpoint. You will also...
  10. aaronwt6

    HDMI to component Adapter Something like this just doesn't make sense to me. Again, digital to analog. Wouldn't it need a converter?
  11. aaronwt6

    HDMI to component Adapter I see some cables elsewhere for $5-$10 but I truly don't understand how they could possibly work...
  12. aaronwt6

    HDMI to component Adapter

    Maybe I'm thinking wrong here and I've never used one but seems that an HDMI to component connection would be more complicate than a simple cable. You're going from digital to analog.
  13. aaronwt6

    WiFi Signal

    I use two of these to share my neighbors wireless across the street and through two brick walls. One installed at his house and one at mine. Both inside with the stock antennas with only about a 25% loss in speed which I'd consider quite good given the fact that I'm using the 2nd one as a DHCP...
  14. aaronwt6

    10/21/2013 11:32am - Uplink Activity Report - 52 changes

    Oops, didn't mean to press the big red one.
  15. aaronwt6

    DISH Calls on FCC to Intervene as Media General Prolongs Blackout

    I've been hearing from customers daily on this here. Wish someone would come to terms and end the saga. This is the 2nd time in 3 months everyone has been without a channel here (We were involved in the Raycom fiasco this summer). Anyway, it's making everything thing long and hard about...
  16. aaronwt6

    Dish Technical Support Called? Is This For Real?

    Yep, seems this is becoming common on internet connected receivers. I got a call a couple months ago from them because I was frequently losing signal for two days. I told them we had experienced some bad storms and it was simply heavy rain and not an issue. Also explained that I was an...
  17. aaronwt6

    Self-Repairing My Vizio VP322 Plasma TV

    What exactly is the symptom on the TV? When you say dead do you mean no standby light or any sign of life whatsoever? Blindly replacing boards is usually a bad idea without some idea first of what is wrong. More times than not you will blow money on a bust. Trust me on this one. I've...
  18. aaronwt6

    Sat 110 and 119 on 2 satellites ??

    When you say 'twin' on the 2nd dish do you actually mean twin or do you mean dual LNB. Some pictures would be extremely helpful for everyone to give you a hand. What you need is a DP dual or single LNB on the 2nd dish you have and then feed that into the DPP twin on the 1st dish. Set the skew...
  19. aaronwt6

    Dish preferred method of connecting to network

    Personally as an installer I've had better luck connecting only one receiver to the internet and using the bridging feature on the Hopper to connect everything else over the Moca. Ones that I used a Hic on or if I connected multiple receivers to the same network via various methods required...
  20. aaronwt6

    HD NOT INCLUDED at son's apartment complex at college - any suggestions?

    Getting the HD receiver won't do any good if he's tied to their dish setup. If they aren't providing the QAM signal from the HD transponders then he cannot receive them. He'd have to have his own dish set up to accomplish it and I'm guessing the place has a restriction on dishes if they have...
  21. aaronwt6

    What Do You Make of This Install?

    I know its not an approved method but when I use a larger pole like the OP had in the picture, I cut off a straight piece of the smaller mast about a foot long, stick it into the larger mast, and run a minimum of two large bolts with nuts completely through the entire thing perpendicular to each...
  22. aaronwt6

    Hopper Upgrade - Dish giving me no real options..

    Agreed. And unless the shop is some outrageous distance from the house I believe a Joey can work there via coax. Especially if you use solid copper core. If you pre-run the wire out there and bury it yourself there should be zero additional cost with that.
  23. aaronwt6

    Hopper Upgrade - Dish giving me no real options..

    Where about are you located DeadEnd? I was thinking South Carolina based on your info you have posted. This is being made way more complicated to you than it needs to be. I just did a very similar configuration to yours for a friend with very little extra cost.
  24. aaronwt6

    Hopper Upgrade - Dish giving me no real options..

    To me personally as an installer, it seems like you'd want 1-2 Hoppers at your house, possibly a Joey in the Shop, and a 211k for your traveling. How far exactly is the shop from the house? The Joey doesn't have nearly the constraints on wire length that the Hopper does. I've successfully run...
  25. aaronwt6

    Wanting a 722K only, Dish can't promise that's what I will receive. Why can't they??? Any suggestio

    I think it's strange that someone can have such a difficult time requesting exactly what type of equipment they want. As a person that works directly for a retailer, I can go pick up whatever model receiver the customer requests whether it be a new install or upgrade and have it to them the...