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  1. Y

    LNB (no laughing in your fists, please)

    LNB discovered, second receiver installed! To all who helped with my original problem/post regarding what an LNB is and what to do about a second receiver. Stepson happily watching TV in his own room with said receiver. Took a few calls to Dish Tech, ended up needing a new card, no surprise...
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    LNB (no laughing in your fists, please)

    LNB (and no one has laughed yet! I seriously hope you aren't apologizing to me, I'm just delighted to be getting the help I so obviously need:D:eek: I went back out and took another look at the dish, after looking at your photo's. Unless I take the boot off, I can't tell how many connections...
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    LNB (no laughing in your fists, please)

    Alright then, let's make sure I'm not being idiotic...on the arm coming off the dish is a box and facing back into the dish from the box I have two white plastic things that look about the size and shape of dixie cups...these are the lenses, right? Cause if they're not, then I'm talking about...
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    LNB (no laughing in your fists, please)

    Found my LNB! Thanks for that reply. My Dishnet dish is a 500 DP Plus and has two of those lenses. I recently had the dish relocated, so within 3 feet of the LNB there is a coupling, also (naturally) under my house runs the cable from the dish up into the wall to my current dual receiver. My...
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    LNB (no laughing in your fists, please)

    My question may appear idiotic, but I assure you, I'm not totally there. I am unafraid to attempt anything technical (or maybe that does make me an idiot) Anyway....I have a dual receiver with Dishnetwork, installed a few years ago. I now find it necessary to add another receiver, as we've added...