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  1. No Static At All

    Spacing on stacked wineguard high bands

    Yes, we tried both models at my friends house almost 70 miles from DC & the Antennacraft is noticeably better than the Winegard. Do you have any FM stations around 95 Mhz near you?
  2. No Static At All

    Spacing on stacked wineguard high bands

    Have you considered the Antennacraft Y10-7-13? It is slightly better than the YA-1713. Also, do you have any FM stations around 95mhz within 10-15 miles?
  3. No Static At All

    Need recommendations for a long range OTA antenna.

    You could also try a Radio Shack FM trap to help bring in channel 11. FM 99.9 is less than 5 miles away & it's second harmonic falls right on top of VHF 11. You can easily return the trap if it doesn't help. You can also try the more directional Antennacraft Y5-7-13 to increase gain & reduce...
  4. No Static At All

    Got this today for $50

    Hope Antennacraft doesn't discontinue it. Winegard just discontinued the YA-1713, so now it's the only game in town.
  5. No Static At All

    Got this today for $50

    Nice pix!! Glad to hear of your success!! Not sure how important channel 13 is to you??(good late night offerings & a few Ravens games not carried on 9) Unfortunately 13 is only beaming about 6000 watts in your direction. Their directional antenna limits power output to the west due to an...
  6. No Static At All

    Got this today for $50

    At your distance, I doubt you will see anything on VHF with the 4251.
  7. No Static At All

    Got this today for $50

    Do you have the FM trap engaged? The full band antenna is getting a huge dose of FM from 105.5 whose 2nd harmonic falls right on top of channel 13. The antennas being so close is likely not helping either. If in your shoes, I would replace the RCA combo antenna with the lightweight/low windload...
  8. No Static At All

    Parabolic OTA Antenna

    What is your elevation?
  9. No Static At All

    Going OTA

    Is the antenna mounted as high as possible in the attic? You may be able to improve performance by trying different locations in the attic as well.
  10. No Static At All

    Going OTA

    Excellent choice!!
  11. No Static At All

    What's a guy gotta do?

    The best bang for the buck antenna that will supply both a robust VHF & UHF signal is the HBU-22. You could use the more expensive ANT-751 if aesthetics are a concern & achieve just about the same level of performance. The ANT-751 should be available locally at most Walmart & Best Buy stores...
  12. No Static At All

    Can a satellite dish interfere with an OTA signal?

    Even the most directional antenna can perform well from the back with a relatively clean /multipath free signal to work wth.
  13. No Static At All


    Like Jim said, it is not so much aim, but quite possibile the antenna is sitting in a null spot for that particular frequency. A few inches up or down will likley solve your issue. This is quite common with digital TV, especially with the change of seasons when leaves drop off trees & change...
  14. No Static At All

    Me TV Coming to Washington DC

    Wish they would get rid of the "Live Well" channel instead.
  15. No Static At All

    Best and smallest antenna for an apartment??

    Looks more like a Christmas tree topper to me. This is a MUCH better antenna for about the same price.
  16. No Static At All

    Best and smallest antenna for an apartment??

    I've had good results with the RCA ANT-751 indoors. Looks similar in size to the HBU-22 minus the corner reflector. I'm using one now above the drop ceiling of a restaurant with metal all around the antenna. TV Fool report displayed>here. It works well on all the stations down to WETA (except...
  17. No Static At All

    Channel Master 7777 amplifier problems

    The 91-XG is not overkill, but the new amp may not be as tolerant of the stronger local signals. How long is the cable run before it enters the house where a power outlet is available?
  18. No Static At All

    Channel master rotor problems

    Are you using the chincy round wire that Channel Master sells? My 9537 quit working & it ended up being the wire. Replaced the wire with more something more robust & all is well 5 years later. (Radio Shack flat wire)
  19. No Static At All

    Broken Transformer

    The DB8 has a lifetime warranty. Contact Antennas Direct & they will ship a replacement transformer free of charge.
  20. No Static At All

    Help in Getting OTA in Centreville, VA

    The OP is using a J-mount on the roof which is too close to the roof with such weak signals. If the antenna is mounted just 5-10 feet above the roofline, reception should improve dramatically; especially VHF. He's got the right equipment, it just needs some breathing room to catch the signals.
  21. No Static At All

    Help in Getting OTA in Centreville, VA

    No need to combine the antennas, the HBU-33 should do the trick on the roof. How is the antenna mounted on the roof?
  22. No Static At All

    OTA Antenna and HD Radio

    Yes it is possible if your antenna has VHF-Lo capability. What antenna are you using?
  23. No Static At All

    OTA (DC) and DirecTV (Baltimore)

    The OP is very close to the Baltimore transmitters & is at risk of overload with most any pre-amp.
  24. No Static At All

    OTA (DC) and DirecTV (Baltimore)

    How are the other DC channels, particularly DC 50? An amplifier will likley do more harm than good. You will need to spend some time experimenting with not only aim, but different locations in the attic to find a sweet spot for WTTG. If possible, mounting outside the attic is the best way to...