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  1. sampatterson

    Missing Channels ( They're back!)

    Alaska locals are showing up in our guide here in Atlanta - LOL - not viewable since they are on a different spot beam!
  2. sampatterson

    Missing Channels ( They're back!)

    Lost all locals from Atlanta from 110 and other channels as well, but not everything it seems
  3. sampatterson

    So did you order a new iPhone?

    I am waiting for the 5s next Friday...
  4. sampatterson

    5 TB Drives ... Will WD be first?

    I haven't even migrated to the 4TB drives yet in my arrays. I have 54TB in 2 arrays (18TB RAID5 6 bay and 36TB RAID6 12 bay) I like to keep my video content as uncompressed as possible. So with 5TB drives I could get a total of 90TB in my arrays. Cool - a migration path!
  5. sampatterson

    First Reactions to OS X Mountain Lion 10.8

    Updated my MBPro when the GM version came out earlier this month. 0 issues to date. Took all of last night to update my 3 minis, iMac, and 1 mini server (running Plex Media server) to ML server - 0 issues and everything working so far really nicely.
  6. sampatterson

    How long do your movies take to arrive in the mail?

    2 days usually - very slow in Atlanta area for me, where Netflix is always the next day.
  7. sampatterson

    Just a friendly warning about's rebate scam

    Scott and Claude I commend you both for listening and not just closing the thread. What other site in the world would do this? - very few and far between. It just shows the honesty and sincerity of both the site and one of its sponsors. Kudos to both DISHSTORE.NET and SatelliteGuys.
  8. sampatterson

    Anyone in Dzitya MX with Dish? (Dish US not Dish MX)?

    Just curious as I used to could bring my receiver when I was on vacation to my house here in Merida, but now I have to Slingbox from home - no signal on a 1 meter on any satellite...
  9. sampatterson

    3D Comes To DISH Network

    $7.99 seems a little high for a 3d movie rental. I wonder if the studios are charging more for 3d PPV titles so Dish has to charge more than an HD PPV.
  10. sampatterson

    Front Page : Santa Bringing New HD for DISH Network Customers? (Rumor) Discussion

    1. Don't know 2. I know I am in the vast minority but I want 3D HD ESPN, 3D Discovery et al
  11. sampatterson

    Got my Kinect for XBOX360

    I played around with it last night, not for very long - too much homework with my son - I was amazed at how reliable it was in tracking my motion. Just played the "Leaks" game - bought 4 others to try this weekend. The setup process was straightforward and polished for me. So far I am impressed.
  12. sampatterson

    Got my Kinect for XBOX360

    Can't wait to get off work to try it! Anyone else get one?
  13. sampatterson

    Sad News...

    RIP John
  14. sampatterson

    Never Thought It Would Come To This With Dish

    Tell them you want $300 for all the buggy software in their receivers... ;)
  15. sampatterson

    Denver Locals Moving To Spot Beam

    LOL. Got a good chuckle from that. Thanks!
  16. sampatterson

    IE 9 Beta

    Look nice to me. One big issue for me is any site with Flash causes IE to restart on Win7 64. Redownloaded the "beta" Flash "Square" add-in but still blows when browsing any site with Flash. Disable Flash add-in and it works perfectly.
  17. sampatterson

    Modern Family

    Great show. Can't wait for the new episodes!
  18. sampatterson

    AT&T continues to insist they're working on their 3G network

    Got that letter from AT&T yesterday. We have pretty good service in my area (marietta, ga)
  19. sampatterson

    Grrrr...trying to install a dish and there's a house in the way

    Jack up and move the other house. :) What I find funny is my FTA dish, when I had it, was pointed directly at our neighbor's house but since it was offset dish, the signal comes from above it. It still looked like we had a dish pointed directly at their bathroom window.
  20. sampatterson

    Luna Vachon passes on

    Geez, the wrestling industry seem more dangerous than the Alaskan Crab Fishing "Deadliest Catch" jobs... RIP
  21. sampatterson

    MacBook Pro

    Just drank some more kool-aid... Got the new mid-2010 model and it rocks. Running Win7 x64 with bootcamp and parallels so get the both of "both" worlds.
  22. sampatterson

    Original Star Trek Series

    Not trying to hijack the thread but I couldn't find on FTA. I ended up finding them on Hulu, you can watch full episodes. Hulu - Search
  23. sampatterson

    Netflix App Now Compatible with iPhone, iTouch

    Tried it this morning. Amazing picture quality on iPhone 4.
  24. sampatterson

    I got a 3DTV today!

    Same as mine! Get a 3d bluray player (although the only 3d discs are Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and Monsters vs Aliens). Great picture in 2d (or 3d mode). I also like the firmware updates coming from the internet instead of having to take it into the "shop" or via a usb key.