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    dvb world dvb-s2

    GekoBR, I am from Brazil too. I have sent 300 Mb file (brazilian HD channels TS file) to DVBWORLD. After that they released the new software, now with AAC audio. I am still having some trouble with Band HD audio. Can you tell me how you get Band working ? My email is epjr arroba bol com br Thanks
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    dvb world dvb-s2

    Sorry, I was travelling and did not see this topic for a while. I am using DVBViewer with my usb dvbworld dvbs2 device. First, I could not get any S2 channel. The frequency I was trying to tune was 3,790. So I tried 3,792 and got all dvbs2 channels tunned. Maybe you can try increasing or...
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    dvb world dvb-s2

    DVBViewer is OK too. Just select 'new tunning method' and 'dvb-s2' before tunning.
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    dvb world dvb-s2

    You do not need WDM drivers using Progdvb Pro. It uses BDA Tuner. Just install DVBWorld software (May 2008). Both drivers are inside the package. Maybe you will have to reinstall drivers ('force drivers install' option on dvbworld sw setup). I have tried to use DVBDREAM. It works for DVBS in...
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    dvb world dvb-s2

    Just updating: now Progdvb Pro works fine in DVBS2 mode. DVBDREAM 1.4i doesnt. Maybe there is no support for the card in this mode.
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    dvb world dvb-s2

    Dvbs2 2104 Thanks for the replies. I have the latest version of DVBDREAM. And do not work in DVBS2 mode. I have no signal on S2 channels. DVBS works ok. I installed the latest DVBWORLD 2.0 software. Maybe the BDA driver is inside this package. I could not find specific WDM drives for usb 2104...
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    dvb world dvb-s2

    Dvbs2 2104 I have bought a new DVB-S2 USB 2104. I have some trouble making it work. Is there a way to make USB 2104 work with DVBDREAM or PROGDVB Pro ? I can make it work but only with DVB-S, not with DVB-S2. I have read some forums, but could not find the answer. Another issue: I am in Brazil...