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  • Users: Tyralak
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  1. Tyralak

    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    Does anyone here play this game? It's both subscription and free to play. I've been really getting into it lately. Here's a trailer for the new expansion pack, Shadow of Revan.
  2. Tyralak

    Dish Anywhere app no longer supports Galaxy Tab 7?

    I upgraded my other devices to the new Dish Anywhere app from the old version of DRA. They all work great, with the exception of my Samsung Galaxy Tab 7. The Google Play Store says that the new version is not compatible with the Galaxy Tab 7, even though the old one worked fine. Is this a...
  3. Tyralak

    What will Apple "invent" next?

    ITT: We speculate the next technology Apple will claim to have invented so they can stifle competition. In light of the stunt they just pulled with HTC. Discuss.
  4. Tyralak

    The Honey Badger

    There's a bit of language in this, but it's really funny.
  5. Tyralak

    Speech in Mango

    This could be a major advantage for WP7 Look who’s talking: Speech in Mango
  6. Tyralak

    Windows Phone 7 and DishOnline

    I know there isn't a version of DRA out for the Win 7 phones, but has anyone tried using DishOnline or DRA through the regular web page on a Win 7 phone?
  7. Tyralak

    Problems with the mobile skin

    I do not like the mobile skin. I detest mobile skins and board access apps. I use the full site on every board I visit on my iPhone. There used to be an option at the top to go to the full site, however it isn't there now. Any way this can be fixed?
  8. Tyralak

    Problem with Panasonic TH-42PWD8UK and Wii

    A friend of mine just bought a Wii. He has a Panasonic TH-42PWD8UK EDTV. His Uverse box is hooked up with component. It works fine. His DVD/VCR is connected with composite. It also works fine. Due to the lack of inputs on the TV (1 VGA, 1 Component, 1 composite/svideo) The Wii would be connected...
  9. Tyralak

    AT&T starts metering data usage.

    Here's the information from their Facebook page. Even though I fit comfortably within the second plan (2GB) I'm very leery of this move. I don't think it bodes well for customers. Oh, and for you Verizon smartasses, they're going to be doing this too soon. So don't gloat too much.
  10. Tyralak

    Vb branch question

    Scott, do you have plans to upgrade the site to the 4.x branch of Vb now that it's been released or are you going to continue with the 3.x?
  11. Tyralak

    Plasma Sparklies

    I just went to a friend's house who had a Samsung Plasma TV, (sorry, don't know the model) he asked me if the sparklies he was seeing were normal. When I saw what he was talking about, I told him it was definitely NOT normal. He asked if it could be repaired, and what kind of costs would be...
  12. Tyralak

    Can I do anything with this setup?

    I haven't done much in the FTA area, but I was just given a 4DTV 920 and another customer wanted me to take "that hideous Primestar dish" off their property. Which I gladly did. :D :hungry: My question is this: Is there anything I can do with that combination? Is there anything on the birds a P*...
  13. Tyralak

    FS: Motorola DSR-920 4DTV Receiver

    I was given this receiver by a customer who was switching to Dish Network. The receiver is in excellent shape. It powers up fine, and all the menus work. The manuals are included and are in great shape. The customer said he was using it up until about a week before I came out when he took down...
  14. Tyralak

    DishOnline pissing me off.

    I missed the first two episodes of Heroes this season, so I ordered them from DishOnline. They say 47 minutes, but they cut off a good amount at the end of the show. I know the time counter isn't right, because I was on the treadmill for the entire length of the show. My treadmill timer showed...
  15. Tyralak

    Now where will I get my cookies?!

    Say it ain't so! Mother's has closed up shop for good! No more frosted animal cookies. Damn, I hope someone buys the recipe and starts making them again! Mother's Cookies Closes Its Doors | Archway, Bankruptcy, cookies | yumsugar - Food, Drink, & Entertaining.
  16. Tyralak

    AGP question

    Can a video card that supports AGP 8x (Such as an NVIDIA Gforce FX 5500) be used on a motherboard that only has AGP 4x support?
  17. Tyralak

    DishOnline gripe

    After wading through all the worthless crap in the TV Entertainment section on DishOnline, I ran across two gems: Two great classic episodes of Doctor Who for 99 cents a piece. I was excited, and resolved to purchase them the next day. well the next day they were gone. :mad: Anyone see that?
  18. Tyralak

    Buttons sticking - PS2/Gamecube

    One of my PS2 controllers, and a couple of my Gamecube controllers have buttons that are starting to stick when you press them. Is there any way to fix this, or do I have to break down and by new ones?
  19. Tyralak

    612 and PIP

    Anyone know if the reason this feature has never been implimented in the 612 is due to hardware or software issues?
  20. Tyralak

    IP Dialout question

    Something I always wondered about IP dialout ever since it became available. The main reason, other than PPV Dish has for having all boxes connected to a phone line is to prevent account stacking. Are they using or able to use IP dialout to protect against account stacking, or is it strictly...
  21. Tyralak

    MPEG4 Codec

    Does anyone know what codec Dish is using for their MPEG4 channels?
  22. Tyralak

    DishOnline free content

    You know, I'm really happy that Dish finally put out some free content in the DishOnline section. But does anyone else notice that the selection of shows looks like the DVD bin at the dollar store? Really strange crap that nobody's ever heard of, and only a shut-in would bother watching. What...
  23. Tyralak

    TV Entertainment function now active

    My 722 this morning finally showed content in the "TV Entertainment" section of DishOnline. It has been saying "Coming 'SOON'" for a couple of months now. Of course, as expected, no free content. Just some low priced PPV offerings of some really weird crap I've never heard of. *YAWN* What a...
  24. Tyralak

    722 and 222 chipset changes?

    I was told this morning by a guy in the warehouse, that 722s and 222s are coming into the warehouse with a different part number, and are labeled to have a different chipset. This has to be a major change of some sort, because they've been told to use up of all the ones with the older chipset...
  25. Tyralak

    Wii Shop

    So, what games have you purchased from Wii shop? I've bought Super Mario 3 and the Legend of Zelda. If they come out with the original Phantasy Star from the Sega Master System, I'll buy that one too.