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  1. C

    KTEL on 79 West

    Anyone getting a signal on KTEL this AM? Think I might have a bigger problem, but wanted to make sure the signal was hot before proceeding with additional troubleshooting....thx
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    Channel Maps

    Anyone having trouble downloading channel maps? Had to do a master reset on my 922 and the unit will not load all of the satellite tiles/channel maps (stops at 755 channels). Currently have a fixed setup on 91 for NFL Network........ Any thoughts/suggestions?
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    USB Channel List for AZbox Elite

    Does anyone have an up-to-date C/Ku band channel list for the Azbox Elite that they would be willing to share? Preferably able to be loaded via USB....thanks in advance! Chuck
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    Pansat 3500 Satellite/TP List

    Scored a Pansat 3500 on the cheap....had to JTAG back to life, but the satellite/TP list in the factory firmware is very outdated. Anyone have an updated satellite/TP list?
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    4dtv Remote

    Anybody got one they're willing to part with?
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    WTB - Channel Master Feedhorn

    Looking for Channel Master feedhorn for my 90cm CM dish. Anybody have one they would be willing to part with?
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    Booting up in PAL

    My Azbox has decided it wants to boot up in PAL, rather than NTSC. How do I correct this when I am unable to see the menu screen? Already tried updating firmware to no avail....
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    Motorola dsr-470

    Seen a few of these floating around on E-bay.... Anybody know anything about this unit? Any use for FTA?
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    Need Channel Master 90cm Arms/Feed Assembly

    Just picked up a Channel Master 90cm dish reflector, without the 3 arms & feed assembly for the LNB. Anyone know where I could find this hardware or can suggest a suitable alternative? Thanks, Chuck
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    FS: GI DSR-920 4DTV Receiver

    No need for it since I can't get much on my Ku set-up and have another analog receiver for feeds. Needs channel maps updated, but otherwise works great. Battery was replaced by ATS in Sept. '07. Have original remote and manual. Asking $125 shipped to lower 48. PM if interested.
  11. C

    Analog KU test card at 121W

    Is this signal still active? Can't seem to locate it....
  12. C

    ONN Signal Quality

    Anybody else having problems tonight with ONN on Horizons 2? Picture is pixelating badly and my signal quality is down in the single digits (I usually get a nice strong signal on this transponder).
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    KU Analog

    Was bored and seeing what was out there. Anything left to hit? Are the Echostar test cards still hot?
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    Videocipher Module in DSR920

    Any reason to keep it installed in the unit or is it completely obsolete? Thought I might remove it to lighten the weight of the receiver...
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    4DTV KU Channels

    Quick question - with the demise of the X4 KU channels last year, are there any full-time KU channels available on 4DTV?
  16. C

    USALS Coordinates

    Just a quick question for the group: Which set of coordinates should be entered into USALS - the degrees/minutes or decimal format? Since the numbers are so close, does it make much of a difference? Chuck
  17. C

    Adding DSR920 to FTA KU set-up

    Just picked up a used GI DSR920 and wanted to add it to my current set-up to pick up analog feeds and maybe sub to some of the available KU digital programming on X4. I don't mind slaving the DSR920, however it seems to not be an ideal scenario (limited to receive only the polarity of whatever...
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    Safeway Network

    Is the Safeway network still broadcasting? I haven't been able to get a signal on that transponder for a couple of days.
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    Tweaking Motorized Dish

    Quick question for the group - how often do you normally have to "tweak" your motorized dish set-up? The reason I am asking is because I had been cruising along with my current set-up for 5-6 weeks with no issues, tracking the belt perfectly using USALS. However, last night I noticed that my...
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    Diseqc Switch Question

    I have a quick question: I am using the Invacom QPF-031 with both C & L outputs running through a 4x1 Diseqc switch to my receiver (SatPros DSR-500S). Since I am running 2 coaxial feeds through the diseqc switch, I assumed that my receiver's Diseqc setting should be set to "2". However, I...
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    Primestar 75E

    Just picked up a Primestar 75E. My HH100 has been acting squirrely lately and I am concerned that my Primestar 84E may be a little too heavy for the motor. How much difference in signal quality can I expect if I swap out the dishes?
  22. C

    HH100 Motor Problem

    Just thought I would throw this problem out to the group. I recently installed a HH100 motor on my Primestar dish. Set-up was not a problem - although I do not have a clear line of sight to my true south satellite, I was able to lock in on a good signal on T5 and subsequently hit corresponding...
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    Primestar Dish Set-up

    Newbie here just getting started in FTA. Since I am pretty frugal, I have been putting out feelers on the local Freecycle board and was able to pick up a Primestar dish no longer in use (see attached pictures). 1. Can I use the existing LNB set-up to pick up FTA signals or do I need to...
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    Cable Box for Analog

    I have an older, "non-cable ready" TV that I would like to hook up in my garage. Can I use a generic analog cable box to receive the channels we currently subscribe to (expanded basic), or do I need a special box that is compatible with Comcast's services?
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    Direct TV Slimline 5lnb Dish

    Is it possible to pick up FTA signals using the Direct TV Slimline 5lnb dish with a FTA receiver?