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  • Users: TheKrell
  • Content: Threads
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  1. TheKrell

    J3 over Ethernet

    Back when I first got my H3 with 2 J3's, I experimented with one of them by unplugging the coax but leaving the Ethernet connected. After some chaos and confusion with the network settings, it worked great! Fast forward to today when I experimented again. No joy no matter what I reset. Is...
  2. TheKrell

    Dish location on new home

    I just signed a new 2-yr agreement with Dish to get their best promo without careful consideration of where I might be able to locate a dish on my new home. Don't judge. It turns out that the home is situated facing SSE, so according to the DishPointer website, it looks like a clear LOS if the...
  3. TheKrell

    Joey 4 w/o Hopper

    Can you use a Joey 4s for streaming when the Hopper is temporarily offline for some reason?
  4. TheKrell

    SiriusXM streaming bandwidth

    Does anybody know how much bandwidth is used when we stream a SiriusXM channel? The reason I ask is I usually play Spa Instrumental on an Echo at work by turning on my cell phone's hot spot. There was no LTE either here in Silver Spring nor at home in Fairfax! Edge was hopelessly inadequate...
  5. TheKrell

    Privacy issue

    I have a technical question. I was watching a recording of a Hallmark channel movie featuring Kelly Clarkson singing in a couple of spots. Other than being impressed with her ability, I do not follow country music and so had no clue that she was a famous singer in her own right. The very next...
  6. TheKrell

    Solid Signal Blog

    I don't remember it being there before. It's right above the Chit Chat Club. Is this new, or what?
  7. TheKrell

    Tire Brands

    I suffered a blow-out on the Washington Beltway driving home last night. There was a 3" gash in the sidewall and bubbles around the rest of that sidewall. I think the bubbles were due to my speed when this happened. I called AAA to put on the temporary spare. But nobody can tell me what...
  8. TheKrell

    Seven of Nine?
  9. TheKrell

    Ruin a band name by removing one letter

    I'll go first. The Bach Boys. :D (Yes, I stole this from FB.)
  10. TheKrell

    On this day in 1966...

    ...Star Trek TOS premiered on NBC.
  11. TheKrell

    Keanu Reeves

    Did you know this about him? From FB:
  12. TheKrell

    Windows 98 in the news

    Here's an article I wasn't expecting to read today!
  13. TheKrell

    Prime Video sci-fi - Night Sky

  14. TheKrell

    Extreme lag

    I am seeing extreme lag when liking posts, or adding quotes to a new post, this morning. Actual viewing seems to be zippy. What's going on here?
  15. TheKrell

    OTA tuners on H3

    Does the H3 automatically rescan OTA channels periodically? I note that stations are moving around again due to the advent of ATSC3. (I know the existing dongle cannot decode ATSC3.)
  16. TheKrell

    DNS problem

    I woke up at 4AM or thereabouts, and couldn't get back to sleep. Stressing over my kitchen remodeling. :crying Anyhow, for nearly 2 hours, I was unable to get domain name resolution on It's all good now. Are you aware of anything that might have happened that early?
  17. TheKrell

    Jurassic World Dominion

  18. TheKrell

    SpaceX second stage disintegrates over Mexico

    It was a Falcon 9 booster that launched Echostar 23 in March of 2017. It's second stage successfully delivered the Echostar satellite to geostationary transfer orbit. Note that Falcon 9 second stages are not recovered.
  19. TheKrell

    Mobile Hot Spot Data Quotas

    I have been taking advantage of free streaming SiriusXM along with my subscription for my car radio. I have a number of Echo smart speakers at home, at my wife's temporary apartment, and now at work. I originally brought one of my Dot's in to work so that I wouldn't miss any more Alexa-only...
  20. TheKrell

    AWS-East API having outage

    All sorts of stuff quit around 10:30 this morning. My SiriusXM account became unlinked form my Amazon account, and I can't relink it. (I can't stream SiriusXM. My TP-Link Kasa smart switches can no longer be...
  21. TheKrell

    Unmodified cell phone calls by satellite?
  22. TheKrell

    Skip back 10 seconds

    I have been unable to search up the thread where we discussed this, so I'm starting another thread on the subject. Back in the missing thread, I claimed that I could skip back 10 seconds on my H3 until a software update last year made it 20 seconds. And I definitely thought my 722 and 612's...
  23. TheKrell

    Best way to return a Joey

    What might that be? I want to retain my H3 and 2nd Joey. All are leased. I may buy another J3 for the times when I might need it.
  24. TheKrell

    TVs with analog PAL tuners

    My wife bought a cartridge programmer for her computerized Knit King kntting machine with only 1 output, that being an unlabelled RCA jack. Next to that jack is a switch labelled "CH3/CH4". The problem I have is that this thing came from the UK and it almost certainly used PAL modulation...
  25. TheKrell

    Super Audio CD

    Remember SACD? I moved this comment from the Dish forum the better to stay on topic there. I am the only person I've ever heard of who bought one of those players, which I still have. It could also play the DVD Audio format. I can probably find the 15 or thereabouts SACD's. Alas, my analog...