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  • Users: techno935
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  1. techno935

    New townhome

    Not sure if this should be in the tech forum or not but here goes...feel free to move it if needed. Just need some insight on an idea I have for a townhome community where satellite dishes are not allowed. I currently have DirecTV and I would be forced to cancel my account when I move...
  2. techno935

    Garage sale Viewmax HD

    I was at a garage sale this past Saturday and the lady there was selling her Viewsat Max HD. I got it for $5 and figured it would be worth a shot. It has hackware on it, as expected. Has anyone ever had any luck with this unit? Can I flash it back to normal via USB or does it have to...
  3. techno935

    Back in the loop....

    I've finally settled with my girlfriend in Pompano Beach, FL and we got the dish back up. (yay!) So....I've been looking at my receivers and realizing what dinosaurs they've become. Is there or will there be a unit (other than the Azbox) that can do what is needed these days? Again...
  4. techno935

    Dish, FTA, one cable...can it be done?

    I've moved into apartment life and have had to settle for a Dish sub for the extended family. While getting ready for BB season, I'm ready to re-set up my motorized dish in the apartment patio. I'm limited to no drilling due to apartment restrictions and currently have two lines running...
  5. techno935

    Transfer video to 722k

    I'm in a one year lease with an apartment complex in Coral Springs. I have Dish Network with 4 kids in the house....'nuff said. Long story can I transfer downloaded video to my VIP 722's hard drive? Can it be done via ethernet? I've searched forums and I have found info on...
  6. techno935

    Scored a Sonicview cheap

    $124.00 shipped. Too good to be true? We will see, and I'll update. :) It's coming from Canada.
  7. techno935

    Lizard on the lookout

    He's on my AMC-9 (83 west) dish. I know someone here would appreciate this :)
  8. techno935

    WDTV vs. VLC

    Is there a possibility.... ...that the heavily discussed WDTV Live could decipher a live transport stream the same way the VLC does from TS reader? Theoretically....eliminating me having to sit at the PC to watch a 4:2:2 feed...instead....routing the .TS stream to the WDTV live and do it...
  9. techno935

    from Seagate FAT+, to what now?

    I decided to get the WDTV live and see what I can get out of it. I was happy with everything. Especially the youtube in HD ability. Now...the bad. Logging into my Youtube account. When I did that, BAM...reboot. Not waiting around for an update from WD so I returned it to the Blue...
  10. techno935

    Network media player wanted

    I've been checking around Ebay for something decent and I've seen a lot of Chinese units. I'm a little weary about buying from China if you know what I mean. That said..I'm seeking a network media player with: (1) Full 1080i (2) Component out (Y,Pb,Pr) (3) Wired networking LAN port...
  11. techno935

    Sun outage: Fall 2009

    Getting underway today in the Southeast here for myself. Just a friendly reminder to those of you who "shadow survey" the area for dish mounting. IMHO The best way to find your mounting locations based the sun's position in the sky. Enjoy it while it lasts. :D
  12. techno935

    Coolsat 8100 HD composite issue

    For some reason, I can't get either the composite or S-video to output any sort of picture. I've checked EVERY setting I can think of in that thing. Anyone else experience this problem? HDMI is fine but does me no good in sending signal. In case you wonder, I'm trying to run a SD feed...
  13. techno935

    External hard drive on CS 8100

    I have a Seagate model # st305004exa101-rk running on my Coolsat 8100. It's one of the newer 500 Gig drives. I moved the company files (preinstalled stuff) to my desktop for future use. (won't even need em for the Coolsat) So...I formatted it for FAT32 and hooked into the Coolsat. No...
  14. techno935

    QPSK modulator...

    does it exist? Can one be had for in-home distribution for a decent price? Just curious. Been thinking about some ideas. (No, not Captain midnight stuff) Just in-home distribution to FTA receivers. (since they receive QPSK in the 1st place)
  15. techno935

    Coolsat 8100 HD problem

    I hate to make a dupe, but I'm desperate for answers. My CS8100 HD has decided it doesn't like a particular channel. I tried to re-scan for the DTV transition and when it went to WSFL-DT, it decided to re-boot upon the moment it scans in. I've tried outdated hackware to see if it fixes...
  16. techno935

    CS 8100 HD problem with analog shutoff

    One of the TV stations decided to pull some crap on their end that now causes my Coolsat 8100 HD to reboot everytime I try to scan it in. WSFL-DT Really odd. I hope the 8100 HD gets new software soon.
  17. techno935

    "networking" the Coolsat 8100

    Basically I'm still trying to think of how I would "fool" the USB port of the 8100 HD to be networked so it can access my PC's slave drive for content. (Transferring tp0 files to my drive and then re-connecting is a pain in the butt) Here's the deal: #1. I'm too lazy to author up any DVDs...
  18. techno935

    tp0 file conversions

    My mission is to gather some videos from my PC to put em on my 8100 HD (Now that the PVR is working beautifully) I know most people wanna lift files from the STB for viewing on the PC. I wanna do the opposite. Get downloaded videos converted to the *.tp0 format for viewing on the 8100. Has...
  19. techno935

    Firmware volunteers

    Wouldn't it be nice if someone in the legitimate FTA community could be a firmware volunteer so to speak, and help re-write some of the factory software on these units to improve users' experience. Example #1: Maybe someone with programing knowledge could re-write firmware for some of these...
  20. techno935

    Coolsat 8100 HD Record Timer

    Is there any option to set a timer for recording on the 8100 HD? I just got a 40 gig drive going and to only find out I can't pre-program events! Anyone know whats up with that?
  21. techno935

    No sale

    I made attempts to sell my Coolsat 8100 HD. No sale. Final bid ended at $152. Reserve of $200. Buy it now for $250. Should I.... Retry? Keep? or Settle for $152 Open to opinions...this is NOT an offer of sale. Offer of sale is in the WUT forum.
  22. techno935

    SetEdit (please read)

    I'm researching new (well not new, but newly discovered) software that could be useful in editing the CS 8100/8000 channel list. Wish me luck. Dare to try if you want. hxxp://
  23. techno935

    125 issue

    Very odd readings. I must have a bad dish or something. My PBS dish is fixed...for the record. 12180V comes in @ 75% 12140V comes in @ 2% Notice they are the same polarity and this just doesn't check out. Any ideas?
  24. techno935

    CS8100 HD Reboot issue

    This reboot issue I mentioned in previous threads will be explained here. I can watch TV just fine. Everything is good on that. But, when I turn the receiver off (by remote) it goes to standby. Once in standby for a few moments, (5 mins or so) it will do this reboot BS. (I can tell on the...
  25. techno935

    My e-mail to freetech

    (begin e-mail) I've been very happy with the 4000 Pro. I've owned for a # of years. (since '06). I have recently bought the 8100 HD and I'm VERY disappointed in the firmware. I have upgraded to the latest flash file from your website ( and the system will NOT allow me to...