Search results for query: *

  1. D

    Question about new service

    I guess techincally it may not be new service. I had dish about five years ago and am thinking about coming back for their TurboHD service. I would order from their web page and decline the two year contract. My co-worker just advised me that when she ordered from the web site, declining the...
  2. D

    NEW HD channel being added?

    Here in Walla Walla it looks like we are getting INHD. On the Moxi box, on channel 793 it states INHD and has the logo, though it cant be watched yet. I wonder if we will only get INHD1 or also INHD2. If only they would add UniversalHD. Here is the HD lineup in Walla Walla so far: HDNet...
  3. D

    E* HD-Lite?

    I will find the link later and post but on AVSForum, there is a person stating that the HDPPV channl on E* is downrezzed to 1280x1080, just like D* HD channels. Now its only on the HDPPV now but what would stop them from doing it to the rest of them? Just thought this was info that people...
  4. D

    E* full of it when cancelling?

    Well, I called to cancel my account today and man did the CSR have a ton of crap to tell me. I told them that I was switching to Charter because they have more HD than them, they have a better DVR and because I am switching, I can get everything they offer HD and DVR included for 70.00 a month...
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    Question about CRT HDTV sets

    At another forum, someone keeps posting that HDTV sets that are CRT based are not digital but are analog and that they take the digital signal from DVI and convert it to analog. I said no way, just because its CRT doesnt mean it cant be digital, it all depends on the processor inside the tv...
  6. D

    BluRay/HD-DVD do component??

    Over at, the general feeling is that when the BluRay/HD-DVD players come out, that component will not pass HD. The majority of people feel that to get the true HD these new players are able to do, the tv needs DVI/HDMI with HDCP. Now, everyone is saying this but no one has shown a...
  7. D

    Universal HD PLEASE!!!!!

    Come on E*!! Charlie made the comment that this may come this year before MPEG4 and on Feb 20 UHD has the new Battlestar Galattica mini movie scheduled, which hopefully means series will start on it. For the love....get this channel soon!!!
  8. D

    Hey Dishnetwork, heres a clue!!!!

    Found this intersting thread on If this is true, E* is going to get hosed if they dont absord the cost to transition current customers to HD.
  9. D

    Question about canceling E*

    I have a question. Am I correct in that with Dish, you are paying for a month in advance on your bill? If so, when I cancel, will I get a credit or will they just let my keep service for all the "time" I have paid for??
  10. D

    When is E* getting FoxHD??

    Now that D* seems to be getting FoxHD somewhat going, when will E* start it up? I thought that part of the agreement when Murdoch bough D* was that they couldnt keep channels like this exclusive, that they had to allow their competitors to carry them. Comments, rumors, thoughts?? I my self...
  11. D

    The Most Retarded Answer Back Ever?!?!?!

    Well, I had it with the pq on DiscoveryHD and wrote to complain about the 3 channels per transponder and this is what they wrote back...and they even refer to me as Ms. Serrano, WTF!!!! From: [] Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 7:16...
  12. D

    E* to start donwrezzing??

    I read on the HDTV Hardware forum at AVS Forum that E* will start to downrez on component outputs when they enable HDCP this summer. Has anyone here heard about this happening? I hope that this is wrong because my TV only has component inputs and I would be really pissed. Supposedly, it will...
  13. D

    How easy is "moving"??

    I have been contemplating a "move" so that I can get the distant locals and I was wondering, how easy is it?? I would love to hear from people that have done this. Does E* ask any questions, do they have any problems of having the address different from the billing address, how long have you...
  14. D

    PQ Getting Worse??

    I know that recently it has been noted that the PQ on Dish has been getting better, I even noticed it, but in the last two days, it seems to have taken a header straight down the toilet. Is this just me or has anyone else noticed this? Everything looks so bland now and the colors are very dull.
  15. D

    How accurate is TitanTV's antenna chooser?

    Winegard Sensar II, how is it?? I was wondering, how accurate is the digital antenna selector on the titantv web page?? It states that I should use a Winegard Sensar II. I am about 48 miles from the farthest towers, will this little looking antenna work? Anyone have experience using...
  16. D

    Please help explain these channels to me.

    I have the AT120 with HBO/Cinemax, HD Pack and my local Yakima, WA plus the distants for CBS. When I got the distant CBS channels I picked the Portland feed and the New York feed. Now here is where I am confused. Channel 8001 is KCBS NY and it shows everything on the east coast schedule...
  17. D

    What hardware for CBS-HD?

    My local CBS granted me a distant waiver and I was wondering what additional hardware I need to get the HD feed off of the 148. I currently have a Dish 500 with a Dishpro Twin LNB and a 811. Would a Dish 300 dish single lnb work? If so what kind of switch do I need? Also, what distant...
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    RV Waiver Question

    I just got an RV and was wondering, I dont have a dish on it yet but if I put in the waiver paperwork it should work on the reciever in the house right?? Anyone see a possible problem with this?? I called and the CSR I spoke to said it would work, since I could just take the reciever from the...
  19. D

    NFL Network in future??

    With football season coming up, I was wondering, anyone hear of E* getting NFL network?? This is the one channel that may have me switching to D* when my contract is up.
  20. D

    Where would the HD networks go?

    Lets say that Congress does indeed pass the SHVIA with a waiver clause for distant HD. D* would probably put them on 7S but where would E* put them? Probably 61.5 but a lot of people on the west coast cant get this satellite due to the low elevation. And if we need a second dish, do you think...