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  • Users: GadgetRick
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  1. G

    Rumors anyone????

    Anyone even have any rumors about any new HD channels? I've not heard of anything in FOREVER. Even a rumor might get me excited. :) How about the usual, DiscoveryHD Theater? Would still love National Geographic HD. Many others want other channels. Are they EVER gonna add anything worthwhile...
  2. G

    8300HD Stretch

    So we had the cable dude over to fix low levels and look into my unability to record first run programs. I wasn't home. When I got home I noticed everything is stretched now. I asked my wife what he did and she told me he said he was, "fixing," it so it fills the screen. ARRGGHH! How do I get...
  3. G

    Ever gonna fix bugs in 8300HD software???

    Are they ever going to make the 8300 work the way it's suppose to? What I'm referring to (specifically) is the ability to record a first run program on a particular channel. Right now, if I want my 8300 to record a program regularly, I must select, "Record this program at any time on this...
  4. G

    Rumors/news about new channels????

    Anyone heard anything about them finally adding DiscoveryHD and InHD2? I know we don't have them but just wondering what the word on the street is these days. Haven't heard anyone complaining about it lately so I figured I'd start complaining about it again. :) The Rickster
  5. G

    Lots of problems with HD boxes...

    I have the standard iO HD cable box and the DVR (8300). Both of these boxes have given me a TON of problems lately. On the non-DVR: -slower than normal guide response -guide just won't show up, need to unplug unit about every other day to get it back On the DVR: -slower than normal...
  6. G

    No guide???

    Trying to get my guide up on one of my non-HD iO boxes. When I press the guide button either on the remote or on the box, the picture just sort of blinks and nothing happens. I can change channels and get info on different programs but no guide. Any ideas? How do I reboot the box? Do I...
  7. G

    8300 record bug?

    I had set something to record the other night and came back to watch it only to find out it never recorded. I then set something else to record, this time paying attention to whether the box where the program is listed in the guide turned red or not (to indicate it will be recorded). I found it...
  8. G

    UFC 48 on INHD

    I caught UFC 48 on INHD last night. Since I'm new to Cablevision (and INHD) I'm wondering if they always show the UFC a week after it airs live. If so, I'm REALLY happy with Cablevision! Thanks. The Rickster
  9. G

    8300 questions

    I'm actually considering switching to Cablevision here in the NJ area. I know they have the 8300 available but I really don't know much about it. One thing i've heard, however, is it does NOT have any type of season pass functionality other than, like on a vcr, you select the time/date of what...
  10. G

    Any rumors of Voom on DTV?

    Just curious if anyone has heard any rumors of DTV picking up some of the ex-Voom programming. Would be nice. I'd sign up with Dish if they had NFL Sunday Ticket but we all know how that goes... The Rickster
  11. G

    If Dolan is such a great guy...

    I keep hearing about what a great guy Dolan Sr. is. Honestly, it's gotten so ridiculous with all of the love letters to him and all. I just want to ask one thing, if Dolan is such a great guy and cares so much about us subs, why is it he's not saying ANYTHING about the sale? Now, I realize...
  12. G

    Just can't do it any longer...

    I've been a Voomer for right around a year now. I've been through some tough times and some good times. However, recently, my Voom experience has gone from (more or less) blissfull to a nightmare. Been having numerous problems with the stb needing numerous reboots (never had that kind of problem...
  13. G

    Recent problems

    Alright, this is sort of a message with questions and sort of a message for me to gripe a little. Gotta get it off my chest. Been Vooming for over a year, not the most senior Voomer but certainly not a junior Voomer. I've been through a few changes--all for the good (except the price increase...
  14. G

    Parental Code to get into Installation Menu?

    My software on my stb was recently upgraded and it seems they've changed some of the menus. I can no longer get into the installation menu (they've assigned it to the green button (I believe) within the setup area). When I press the button indicated onscreen it asks me for a Parental Code. I...
  15. G

    HD Fox in NYC is HORRIBLE!!!

    Anyone else notice just how bad the Fox HD broadcasts have been from NYC? I had a party the other night when the Yankees were playing the Twins in the elimination game. Some of my friends hadn't seen HD yet and thought it looked great. Sure, it looked better than SD but it was horrible compared...
  16. G

    Looks like no Voom for the next few days in NJ

    Well, looks like we're getting a tropical storm then a hurricane. Guess I should go stock up on DVDs since Voom will be useless with that kind of rain. Gee, sure wish I knew when I might be getting that larger dish... Kind of annoying to know I won't be able to watch anything on Voom for the...
  17. G

    v6.10 and still have white dot...

    Not sure if this was discussed in the other thread--sorry, too many messages to read through. Anyway, feel free to merge this Sean. Last night I was messing with my new installation of 6.10 and noticed the white dot bug is still there. Certainly not the worst thing in the world but was...
  18. G

    In need of antenna person in North Jersey...

    Alright, I'm ready to bite the bullet and pay someone to come in and evaluate my situation for OTA reception. Like many people in North Jersey, I do not receive WPIX or any PBS stations. I can, occasionally, receive NBC as well. I want to talk to someone who knows their stuff as far as OTA...
  19. G

    Looking for antenna person in North Jersey

    Alright, I'm ready to bite the bullet and pay someone to come in and evaluate my situation for OTA reception. Like many people in North Jersey, I do not receive WPIX or any PBS stations. I can, occasionally, receive NBC as well. I want to talk to someone who knows their stuff as far as OTA...
  20. G

    Bigger dish...when!!??

    Don't know if Wilt or someone else at Voom can give us an idea as to when we can expect the upgrade to the larger dish. I live just outside of NYC and, as those who live around here know, we've been experiencing a very wet few days here. Typically, I can deal with the occasional rain fade...
  21. G

    Any Vonage users out there?

    It's been mentioned by a few people that Vonage is an inexpensive way around the Voom landline issue. With the word that Voom will soon begin security sweeps this will become more of an issue. Anyway, I'm planning to sign up for Vonage myself and I'm sure there are others out there. While...
  22. G

    Finally! A use for Moov!

    Well, I FINALLY found a use for Moov. You know, that boring good-looking bandwidth hog. Anyway, we had my 19 month old son downstairs in the home theater (where I have Voom installed) and my wife flipped through the channels. She saw that Tank HD was on Moov (the only worthwhile thing I've seen...
  23. G

    Wilt-Updated Software and other questions

    Wilt, I know you've said you're close to releasing the new version of software for the stbs. Are they still on track to deliver it very soon? We're all itching for it. Also, I'm sure you've seen the negative comments about the Voom Guy. Can you say whether someone out there (besides...
  24. G

    Problems in N. NJ watching NBA Finals

    (This happened for Game 4 as well) I was wondering if anyone in Northern NJ has been experiencing problems with ABC. During the second half last night and the other night the picture kept breaking up, and I'd get the, "There is no signal on channel 7.1..." message. I checked my signals and the...
  25. G

    Anyone in N. Jersey have probs with Game 5 last night?

    This happened for Game 4 as well but I was wondering if anyone in Northern NJ has been experiencing problems with ABC. During the second half last night and the other night the picture kept breaking up, and I'd get the, "There is no signal on channel 7.1..." message. I checked my signals and the...