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  • Users: navychop
  • Content: Threads
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  1. navychop

    Quick Netflix question

    Three plans. Two support simultaneous viewing on 2 devices. The Premium one supports on 4 devices. And has UHD. Do these have to be on the same LAN? If I’m in WV at our campground, or in MD at my MiL’s, and home is in VA- could I view in any 2 of those 3 locations? Perusing briefly at...
  2. navychop

    Missing first few posts of Conversations

    I am working with brittanygarden via Conversations, and note the first several PMs back and forth can no longer be seen. Can these be recovered? Some info in some posts would be hard to redo.
  3. navychop

    Ignoring Forums

    I went looking for a way to Ignore certain of the Social Influencers. Looks like it’s all or none. But the feature doesn’t seem to work. I can click here: But it just leads to: Am I missing something? Can I block the Social Influencers, or better yet, block selected ones?
  4. navychop

    Tesla Ditty

    The night He drove old Tesla down All the investors were screaming And the brakes were squealing The night He drove old Tesla down And all the employees were crying They went, "Oh no, no, no, no, no” In the gloomy May of 2024 We were doing our best, couldn’t do no more But in May, the...
  5. navychop

    Reply by conversation

    How does the below happen? Quirk? A mod decides the public discourse is heading in a bad direction? Something else? Certainly a weird thread. I don’t even understand what “recover my Dish equipment schematically” means.
  6. navychop

    Google Maps

    DK if you're aware of this. Under Account Details (under clicking our "name" at the top) I see this. NBD, but did not know if you were aware.
  7. navychop

    Was the “Russia warns West…”

    … thread moved to Bob’s Pit? I got a like for a post in that thread and when I went to see it, I was asked for a password. No complaint, I’m just wondering if it was a site burp or a moved thread. I don’t go to Bob’s Pit (or whatever it’s now called). Easier on my BP.
  8. navychop

    Pizza stones- smooth or a bit rough?

    I made a couple of pizzas in my Kamado smoker grill tonight. First time with pizza. First one was a bit difficult to smoothly transfer to our gifted (rough surface) pizza stone. Did not go well, even with semolina flour. Misshapen. Second one we put on parchment, which worked very well. Both...
  9. navychop

    May iOS 12 be damned

    Sometimes I type a letter, generally but not exclusively, at the beginning of a paragraph, and I see it, and it disappears. Several attempts might get it to stick. Or I type a space and it sticks. Sometimes, it turns into a different letter. Sometimes this happens in the middle of a word. In...
  10. navychop


    When I buy jerky, it always says to refrigerate after opening. So I gather it’s not real jerky, since jerky originally was a method of preserving meat without refrigeration. Why is that? What is different about store bought vs original jerky? What about the stuff you make at home? Does it...
  11. navychop

    Elon Musk - take my money, please

    There’s GOLD in the upcoming Tesla electric pickup. Load it up with plenty of battery reserve, and provide a couple 120VAC duplex outlets. For contractors, mostly. Especially home builders. If you eliminate their need for a generator or two, you’ve provided good value. Which they will pay for...
  12. navychop

    Problems with iPhone and Reader app

    Please go to What’s Cooking and look at the Sous Vide thread. I’ve posted some problems there. Is there a fix or workaround? Sent from my iPhone using the SatelliteGuys app!
  13. navychop

    Sous Vide

    I thought his was a crazy idea. A year ago, a relative asked if we would like one as a gift. I declined. But it’s been sitting in the back of my mind ever since. So I did a little research. The idea is to cook the food at the final desired temperature. This can take one or more hours. But...
  14. navychop

    The Litany continues

    I “downloaded” a few Dr Pol shows. FF and skip ahead aren’t available. Understood. But skip BACK not working? Really. Seems to be tied to the rental not really being downloaded. It appears to be DL as we watch. I don’t think it used to be that way. And it won’t pause. Hit pause, nothing...
  15. navychop

    Cold front in the theoretical place of eternal damnation

    Well, I have signed us up for six months. Specifically for a long road trip. Anyway, we have a 2016 Outback. I went to set a few SXM channels into the presets. And got a NASTY surprise. Only the channel number appears in the preset, not “BBC W” or some such. Have I got to tape a cheat sheet...
  16. navychop

    Poll: Are QLEDs worth the premium over LCDs?

    QLEDs look good, but so do many LCDs.
  17. navychop

    ATSC 3.0 Discussion

    Is there a cutoff date for new ATSC 1 stations, after which they must be ATSC 3? I doubt it, but I thought I’d ask. I suspect banks and investors might view this as a bad time to start a TV station, preferring to wait until after the success or failure, and timing, of ATSC 3 is clear.
  18. navychop

    Moving apps screen to screen

    Internet directions say just drag after holding one down for a bit. I can move them around on a page, but can't get one to move left to the previous page. Yes, there is an open spot there. I got one to move to the previous page; not sure how. What am I missing?
  19. navychop

    iPhone next name and features

    What do you think the next iPhone will be called? 9? And what features? I expect band 71 to be added (600 MHz). Even better camera? Every iPhone 9 comes with a free copy of Windows 9? ;)
  20. navychop

    Is CUI -REALLY- this lame?

    Previously, I could Search for program X, and I would get a listing of the upcoming episodes. I could pick and choose which to record. NOW, under "CUI" I can only select the program, by number or arrowing over, to record the series. Gee! Only new? New and reruns? Am I missing some secret...
  21. navychop


    Does SatelliteGuys use them? For postings or ads? Lots of eBay, etc listings have been hit by the policy change. Details at various news sites.
  22. navychop

    Dish Anywhere repeated log ins

    Now, since CUI (coincidence?), every time I try to start up DA, it requires me to log in. Even with Remember Me checked. It also at first says no Hoppers detected, but that clears. Anyone else having this happen? Any ideas as to what changed and if the logging in every time can be reversed...
  23. navychop

    I surrender: Need photos s/w

    Moving photos to my PC from the iPhone loses date and other data. I'm now willing to crack open the change purse and PAY for a program to move and organize all those photos from my 6+, and retain all that data. I'm looking for simple and easy. No need for photo editing- I have plenty of other...
  24. navychop

    Inconsistent wi-fi performance

    I have upstairs (UP) and downstairs (DN) points. Downstairs is the original FiOS router, wired and wireless, the DHCP server. Upstairs is a router repurposed to a WAP. When I go upstairs, the UP signal is stronger, but my iPhone 6+ does not switch to it. If I manually switch it, all is well...
  25. navychop


    My past practice has been to buy. Made it once, which I thought was more trouble than it was worth. And needed lemon juice ASAP to limit browning. Maybe I shouldn't be so lazy. But the last batch I bought, Cabo Fresh, imported from Mexico, was almost tasteless. Claimed 95% haas avocado. Well...