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  • Users: ChadT41
  • Content: Threads
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  1. ChadT41


    Hey guys, I just got a notification that my membership needs renewed, and I have been graciously stressed then blessed these last few months. I am back in my home and the family(minus the two doggos that passed in the process) so I want to share some holiday spirit. I will be gifting 4 annual...
  2. ChadT41

    What would make the equipment better

    Well, it’s that time of year again, and nobody I have seen has brought this up. Thought it would be fun to make a NEW wishlist, for new equipment. Now, this is to keep things in the realm of likelihood and possibility. That means don’t ask for the 4x fast forward. Now, I wanted to mix things up...
  3. ChadT41

    Descriptive audio assist(Netflix)

    Does anyone know how to turn the voice over audio descriptions off? This would be on the Hopper or the Joey. Currently, it’s on the Joey 3. Of course, the Netflix site is useless, so possibly Dish can give them the update for their website?
  4. ChadT41

    TV parts help

    I know this is not the right place, but in a bind and stressing out. Does anyone think they can assist in finding the parts list part number for a Vizio p55c1 TMDS inverter board. It appears mine has gone out, and I really prefer NOT to have to purchase a new tv. Especially considering...
  5. ChadT41

    2020 Dish Price Increase. ?

    Awaiting likely Scott to release to us his internal knowledge of what this years prices will be? Anyone know?
  6. ChadT41

    Q3’19 SEC posting?

    Who knows when we can expect this?
  7. ChadT41

    Dish on 130” 4K TV

    This is not necessarily Dish related, but a chance for us to have a little fun and break up the negative arguing. I saw Amazon has a 130” 4K TV for $360. Anyone curious as to how good the Dish 4K would look on it? Anyone want to be the first to dive into it and let us know? It appears it is...
  8. ChadT41

    Trouble call with a happy ending

    Before I begin, it’s not the happy ending you were thinking of. So yesterday had a Dish tech come work on my system. For over 6 months, I have been unable to use anything internet on my Joey, and been getting 8 mbps on my Hopper. I pay for 100 mbps through Cox, and was getting frustrated...
  9. ChadT41

    Chiller TV

    I didn’t see anything on this, and since there was quite a few people who made the threat of leaving Dish for DTV for this channel, I thought would be prudent and informative. ChillerTV is shutting down on 1/1/18. Not sure the impact it will have on most, but I do know there were some pretty...
  10. ChadT41

    Current App Logins Supported?

    Hoping we can get a DIRT member to post a list of the current supported 3rd party apps, such as HBOGo. It would likely also be helpful for a sticky on the topic, as new contracts bring new logins.
  11. ChadT41

    SCOTUS rules in favor of DTV arbitration clause

    Not sure if this has been posted or not, but here goes for anyone that is interested.
  12. ChadT41


    It would appear as if this channel is back, according to reports on Facebook. Channel 3 Wisconsin.
  13. ChadT41

    The List

    Is there a list similar to "The List" on Dish forum, that lists the satellites, transponders and channels/markets? I am at my brothers trying to see what comes from satellite 103 transponder 23.
  14. ChadT41

    Another takedown, try not to laugh

    Looks like 274, the Jewelry channel has been removed. All 8 of their die hard fans are speaking out(sarcasm).
  15. ChadT41

    Xbox One

    So I got all three referrals for the XBox one, surprisingly all three came from this website, and I woke up this morning(a few days after the last referral signed up) and had an email asking me to redeem my reward. I now am waiting on the tracking information through the website and...
  16. ChadT41

    Bluetooth Headphones

    Did not see a post for this, but for those wondering what the next referal offer ya go.. BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES Refer 2 friends to DISH between 3/1/2015 and 6/30/2015 and receive a FREE pair of Bluetooth headphones from DISH! Offer will be available for redemption from this page...
  17. ChadT41

    Current New Customer Deals

    Just curious if any of your retailers or folks in the knowhow can get me an offer code directly thru Dish for a good offer(such as the $200 gift card). My friend called me today wanting to use one of my referal codes and I told her I would see what else I could come up with. Already talked her...
  18. ChadT41

    It's Official, The FCC Intends To Reclassify Broadband My Favorite Part: " Senator Ron Wyden swept away the notion that the FCC would have the power to regulate broadband rates by saying that the Internet Commerce Act (which he co-authored) expressly...
  19. ChadT41

    What do you think?

    So, I found some HWS for $150 each. Should I pull the trigger and buy one, or go with a leased unit for free. I am not leaving Dish anytime soon, and it would just be replacing the H2K I have in the bedroom. Do not travel so would be constantly activated. Just seems $150 is cheap, and verified...
  20. ChadT41

    Need some help with DTV Cinema Kit

    Hey guys, just looking for alittle assistance with installing a new DTV Home Cinema kit. It will be wireless, but from the appearance, this seems like it has to be Hardwired. Any advice on what to do here to get the kit up and running? And does it matter which receiver gets the kit?
  21. ChadT41

    Sorry for the dumb question(hope I know the answer already)

    As the title states, I have a feeling I know the answer, but wouldn't mind being proven wrong either. There is a rumor amongst Dish customers that DTV is going to have an actual channel for ESPN3. I know that ESPN3 is an IPTV streaming channel online, and that receivers may even have an app...
  22. ChadT41

    Merry Christmas

    with all the negativity that has been playing out over the last 3 months, I feel it's crucial we all take just a moment, and thank whomever we may worship, and wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.
  23. ChadT41

    Sling In Your Car Anyone catch this? This partnership may be a bust in the long run, but innovation at its best.
  24. ChadT41


    Anyone with simple recommendations on a projector, that can be mounted close the the wall(I have seen some in my college classes that are 6 inches off the wall), that can provide a clear, large(atleast 70-80 inches) screen, and can utilize HDMI from an AVR? I had one in Iraq a few years ago...
  25. ChadT41

    Dish expanding more

    Don't think this has been covered. It sounds pretty cool.