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  • Users: eichenberg
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  1. eichenberg

    What the hell...I have to pay to cancel

    I am no longer under any contract. Last contract signed in 2017. 12 year customer. I have been on pause for 4 months now and have decided to cancel Dish this morning as I have not missed it being on pause and was told I would be charged $20 per box to ship equipment back. I have a Hopper 3...
  2. eichenberg

    Dish Pause

    I have my account on pause, until June 2024. I am getting my roof replaced tomorrow. My dish is mounted on my roof. Can I leave my dish unmounted until June or do I need to have Dish come out and mount it again now?
  3. eichenberg

    Tuning to B1G Network causes guide issues

    Whenever I expand the B1G Network channels it causes issues with my guide. Specifically, my local news channel shows as the description in the right hand thumb view and all my local channels disappear from the guide. My locals are channels 05-57. When I expand they no longer show up and my guide...
  4. eichenberg

    Error code 4??? Hopper 3

    Has anyone seen this before? Any concern? I've had this H3 since release, is it starting to go bad? Sent from my SM-N981U using Tapatalk
  5. eichenberg

    Dish Anywhere simultaneous streams

    Is there a limit on the number of simultaneous streams? Both of my teenagers recently told me they don't want their Joeys in their rooms anymore. My son has Dish Anywhere on his Xbox and my daughter has it on her Fire stick. Can they both watch Anywhere on their respected devices at the same...
  6. eichenberg

    Prime working on Joey 3

    Did I miss something? I thought Prime would not work on the Joey 3. I was adding a few channels to my favorites and I saw the Prime logo, so I added it and voila it works. Logged into to my Amazon account and started watching a show. Sent from my SM-N981U using Tapatalk
  7. eichenberg

    Scripps affected customers I Got free OTA adapter and antenna

    I'm am one of those affected by the Scripps dispute. I decided to chat up Dish and asked what they were offering for those affected. The guy initially offered a $5 credit. I said I would prefer an OTA adapter and antenna for no charge. His response was "sure!" and he set it up for me. If your...
  8. eichenberg


    Just curious if there is any talk about Dish adding Disney+ to the Hopper either along side or in place of Netflix once its released. Especially now that Disney is pricing a bundled package that is cheaper then Netflix. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  9. eichenberg

    Home media displays in tiny window on H3

    Not sure when this started as I haven't used home media in a few weeks. When I try to watch a movie. It displays in a tiny window in upper right corner. Is there a setting I haved missed or is this another in a long list of bugs that break when new software rolls out? Sent from my SM-G950U...
  10. eichenberg

    Monday night CBS recording issues

    Not sure if this is tied to the H3 or all Hoppers or if it is just me. Two weeks in a row now Scorpion has recorded, however when we watch it, what was recorded was 2 Broke Girls and The Odd Couple. The first 2 weeks of the new season recorded just fine, then they moved it to a new time slot...
  11. eichenberg

    A few problems with my H3

    I tried searching for these problems but couldn't find any others reporting it... 1. If recording multiple episodes of a show to a folder, I can't play a recorded episode until the recording is all done OR if I don't record to a folder. For example, I am recording all the Castle episodes on...
  12. eichenberg

    Saving PTAT shows to EHD

    I just upgraded from Hopper 2000 to Hopper/W Sling. We have about 5 or 6 shows not watched yet from the Network channels. All the shows are timers I created and are saved to the consumer partition of the Hopper, however, we do have PTAT enabled so we can Hop over the commercials on playback...
  13. eichenberg

    Cold Weather issue

    I have 2 Hoppers. One in the living room and one in the master bedroom. On mornings when the temp is below 20 the Hopper in the living room looses signal for a few hours, while the one in the bedroom works fine. Strange I know but it is happening. Anyone have any experience with this or know...