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  • Users: johan
  • Content: Threads
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  1. J

    Wanted ; Rover SDA-9 manual.

    Wanted ; Rover SDA-9 Manual. Mvg
  2. J

    OTHER Moi Pro

    Hello members, I am looking for people/members who also work with a Moi Pro. Because I have some questions regarding Streaming. Mvg
  3. J

    Am looking for : Join Tyler

    Am looking for : Join Tyler Mvg
  4. J

    Tv Broadcast signal`s

    Hello members, here on this side of the water (ocean) they broadcast in DVB-T/T2, among other things. What about you (America / Canada) and can you receive it here with tropo
  5. J

    Promax HD

    Hello members, am looking for the soft - / and firmware of the Promax HD. Who still has that file on his PC and wants to share it. I can't find it (anymore) on the Promax site Best regards
  6. J

    Problem with SmartDVB

    wanted to try the SmartDVB again today for fast scan. that goes fine, but if I want to watch something, I get a message in the window: Application is in offline modes (no dvb functionality possible). What does this message mean!?
  7. J

    Amplify signal in a waveguide

    Hello members, is it possible to amplify the signal passing through the waveguide of the Dish Mvg
  8. J

    Sought ; address C-band extended

    Do any of you know a good address where I can order an Extended C-band lnb. You are bombarded with sellers on the Net. Mvg
  9. J

    Channel Master Feedhorn.

    Have a question; When you look at Chaparral's Feedhorn and Channel Master's, a few things strike me. why are they not the same. Mvg
  10. J

    Rover MC-10 SAT

    I am looking for the Manual of a Rover MC-10 SAT Best regards
  11. J

    Amiko post adress ?!

    I'm looking for Amiko's contact address. Amiko makes receivers but also measuring instruments. And that's what the measuring instrument is all about. Have already tried everything on their site, but can't send anything. Who knows what to do
  12. J

    Error from this site at my Pc

    Hallo members. Sinds this morning 'ff got a (error) massege from this Site on my Pc when I will join this Site. There is no problem on my mobile Mvg
  13. J

    Who knows or recognizes this Actuator.

    Who knows or recognizes this Actuator. Best regards
  14. J

    I am looking for a Heavy Duty Actuator (36v)

    I am looking for a Haevy Duty Actuator (36v) Mvg
  15. J

    C extended

    Is it possible to tackle/change a C-band to make it an extended. Best regards
  16. J

    C-band extended

    Hello members , is it possible to convert from a standard C-band lnb to the extended band (4.5-4.8 Ghz). Best regards
  17. J

    Satellite dish types

    What kind of satellite dish do you use on the other side of the ocean, so in Canada and America. And I'm talking about prime focus or cassegrain or Gregorian prime focus. And do you have a picture of that. Best regards
  18. J

    OTHER Dual C-band Feedhorn

    Hallo Members , is it possible to use a dual c-band feedhorn to recief the c-band signals to fine-tune the lnb to the Dish. at 1 lnb the tv ,and the other lnb a measuring instrument . or does that not work !?! Mvg
  19. J

    Older Drivers

    Hallo members . does ore are their older drivers fore the TBS5927 , and so yes ; where can i find them. Mvg
  20. J

    whot is the name off this thing

    Hallo members, whot is the name of this thing , and is it possible to connect a few (3 or 4) together. Mvg
  21. J

    3 found

    Got 3 here, can I use that.
  22. J

    (DE) plate feedhorn

    Is it possible to take out the (DE) plate. and how ?! he is stuck.
  23. J

    Feedplate ?!?

    Hallo Members , What is the exact name of this plate. and where can they be bought. I cannot find them on Google. Best regards
  24. J


    Dear Members, i johan have a Prime-Focus (Channel-Master) disch,sice:2.40. it,s a Disch without a polarmount,now a wonne make that on my own.That is gonne béé oké, i,am sure.Now is the Question:whot kind off Actuator must,ore can i use.their are a lot off Typ,s.But whot doe you Members...
  25. J


    hallo,i am new hier,this is Johan from holland. whot i wonne now is,wheir can i find ;wanted/ore selling. Mvg:Johan