Search results for query: *

  1. H

    11 Years of Seniority lost

    I became a dish customer in 2000 when I lived in Maryland. I moved in 2003 and utilized dish movers to relocate my account and equipment to Missouri. I am in the military, so in June 2011 I moved to Texas, but my family remained at my Missouri address. When I arrived to Texas, I wanted to...
  2. H

    New Receivers and New Packages

    Hi Folks It has been a long long time since I have been on this website. Unfortunately I have been busy protecting our country and going to school. My Unit returned from Iraq just before the Holidays after being gone for over 1 year. I am glad to say all have return without any...
  3. H

    I Need quick help, DISH CSR's are clueless!!

    Hi all It has been a long time since I have been out here, but I made a visit the other day and to my surprise, I saw that Dish had added 10 new HD channels to their HD Package. So like a kid on christmas day, I ran to my phone to re-activate my 811 and HD Package. It took a while for...
  4. H

    Any Specials on the HD Pack?

    My annual commitment on the HD Pack is up in less than 1 month. I know a while back there was talk about Dish offering the same deal that D* was giving Sign up for 1 year of the HD pack and get the first 6 months free Did that promo ever happen and if so, is it still active.
  5. H

    Which is ther Best PnP Sirius Radio?

    I see Sirius now has a bunch of PnP radios, but now I am left to decipher which is the best. I am planning on using the radio in the Truck, and most likely in my office. I do not see much use in the house. I am looking for one that has decent features, excellent reception, stability...
  6. H

    Sirius Radio Deals

    Hey Guys I have not been around much lately. Can any of you tell me if Dish Customers are getting any discounts for Sirius systems for their cars. I am looking to get a sirius radio for my truck, but before I went down to Best buy or such, I wanted to check to see if we had any deals here...
  7. H

    EPG on 811 not working!!!

    OK Folks, I have been away for a while and I tried to read all of the post on the new bugs, but I could not really find an answer for my issue. The EPG on my 811 is not working. I have rebooted, I have ran the switch test and when I click on the guide button, I get the guide, but everything...
  8. H

    I am Looking for a D* HD Receiver!!

    I put a thread up in the classified forum, but just wanted to include one in here as well. I am looking to purchase a D* HD receiver, not a HD/Tivo receiver, just a plain HD Receiver in good working condition. Any of you folks that may be upgrading to the HD/Tivo and looking to get rid of...
  9. H

    Wanted- D* HD receiver!

    I am looking to purchase a D* HD receiver. Please send me a PM with the details. Manufacturer Model what items are included- remote, manual, cables, card, etc... Years owned Condition, working, not working- minor scratches, bent to hell, etc... asking price payment form accepted...
  10. H

    Which is the Best HD receiver for DVI?

    It's almost football season again and I am looking to get a HD receiver to be able to watch the games in HD. I have a TV that has Component and DVI inputs, but I use the component input for my E*, so I need a D* HD receiver with a DVI interface. I know that each receiver has it's own pros...
  11. H

    How can I improve my signal?

    I have 5 receivers in my home with 2 sats (61.5 is a must carry in my area), all of the gear outside is Dish Pro. Since none of my receivers are dual tuners, I have 2 DP 34 switches. The first DP 34 houses my 508, 811 and a 301. The second DP34 is being fed through the first switch and has 2...
  12. H

    Any online Retailers that offer 721 promo

    I contacted E* and they said I would have to go through a local retailer to get the 721 deal, but none of my local retialers seem to work with or even know about the 721. So I may be forced to buy mine through an online dealer Anyone know of any reputable online dealers that would offer...
  13. H

    Just called my local E* retailer, and guess what!!!!

    I called my local E* retailer to see if I could get a 721 through them and the E* promo. You'll never guess what they told me. They said they never heard of a 721 No, It's Not that they didn't hear about the Promo You read it correctly, b/c I typed it correctly. THEY CLAIMED TO...
  14. H

    Can DHP customer stop being a DHP customer?

    I am currently a DHP customer that has been on this plan for about 3 years. I own an 811 and 301 outright (purchased after started on DHP), but lease a 508 and two 301s. If I sent back the equipment I lease would I be able to get off the DHP plan. And If I do get off the DHP plan, what...
  15. H

    Yeah Baby, only a bit over 1 hour before the NFL schedule is out!!

    Though we are quite a few months away, this will help the craving for the football fix If Dish had the NFL Network, we could watch this LIVE!!!! From 5-7 PM EDT
  16. H

    CSR manager told me 510 not available to DHP customers!

    I just got off the phone with a manager from the executive offices. He told me that the 510 is not available to existing customers on the DHP plan. Could this be true? Did Charlie mention anything about this in the charlie chat? Does anyone have any other story?
  17. H

    What the hell is going on @ E*, Exec. CSR refused to help!!!

    I tell you, I absolutely can not take anymore of this lousy crap from E*. I called the Executive number to speak with a more knowledgeable CSR about the PVR special and get some clarity on whether I could get a 508 or if the 510 was the only available PVR in the special. But instead of a...
  18. H

    Thinking of going full time D*, but need 5 receivers

    I currently get all of my regular programming from E*. (Look at my signature for my receivers.) But I am really getting fed up with all of the issues I have been having lately with E* I currently only subscribe to the NFL ticket with D* and have done so for the last 3 years. If I come to...
  19. H

    Dish will not install a grounding rod, will I be OK?

    I have 2 dishes installed at my home. Last week I realized that when E* installed my dishes back in November of 03 at my new home, they did not install a grounding rod. Instead they ran a blue coated wire into my home, then attached it to a screw that is on a clamp on the water pipe for my...
  20. H

    I thought emails to CEO@echostar were suppose to be answered?

    I sent an email to the CEO address on 3/15 asking about the NFL Network. ( I know, maybe not a big priority to some or E*) I sent a follow up email on 3/19. Today is 3/26, and I have yet to get a response from them. I thought the CEO email address was suppose to be monitored, I thought...
  21. H

    What Channel Will Nicktoons be on?

    I was wondering if E* announced what channel Nicktoons would be on and when it will be on?
  22. H

    Will Dish ever offer the NFL Network?

    Anyone know if Dish will ever offer NFL Networks. If so, how close are they? If Not, has Charlie ever spoken about why not?
  23. H

    Any Chance Dish might lose Fox/UPN/WB superstations

    after reading this article ( in the D* forum, I am left to wonder if Rupert might use the fact that he owns Fox and the superstations to leverage his position in the DBS market. Could it be possible that he could demand such a price that E*...
  24. H

    Did the 508 get a new software push?

    Last night, while I was enjoying my new and improved 811 (software fix), I noticed my 508 turn on by itself and then a few minutes later it turned back off. Does anyone know if there was a software push
  25. H

    Anyway to change time on the clock of the 508?

    I have been noticing time and time again that my recordings are being cut short at the end of the program. I am wondering whether the issue is with the clock on my 508, the delay Dish is putting on the feeds they are giving us, or the network clocks. I know that I can edit each show to end...