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  1. dangerousdave

    Just Out Of 2 Year Contract - Statement up 33% - Help

    Just after our two year contract expired, our new statement without a contract is up 33%. We've been with DISH for more than 5 years and prefer to stay with them for several reasons. That is despite the fact we can't watch our local MLB team (if play starts) because DISH has dropped Fox Sports...
  2. dangerousdave

    Can Hopper 1 Be Used To Play External HD DISH Movies In RVs ?

    My friend wants to use a Hopper 1 in his RV to play the DISH movies he has recorded on his Hopper 3 at home. Can that be done? Would a DISH Wally be better? He does NOT need DISH TV reception in his RV as he just wants to watch his already recorded movies. He's a senior and does not know how to...
  3. dangerousdave

    Can Hopper 1 Be Used For HD satellite TV for RVs ?

    Several years ago I purchased (not leased) a Hopper 1. I no longer need it and a friend wants to use it in his RV for mobile DISH reception. Can he use it for that purpose? Thanks, Dave
  4. dangerousdave

    Provider Alternatives To DISH?

    We've been with DISH for over 10 years and might be looking for another provider in the Atlanta area when our new home is completed. We would of course like a system with a DVR in the receiver (RF remote) which we will put in a cabinet. Is it possible to have the secondary TV's use the same...
  5. dangerousdave

    How To Wire New Home For DISH?

    Our 2BR 1,900 sq. ft. single floor home is beginning to be built this week, weather dependent. We're consulting with the wiring guy in two days for Ethernet, router and other related items such as the TV. We are open to other systems however, we believe we want to keep our DISH Hopper & Joey...
  6. dangerousdave

    Hopper 3 Folder Setup

    The Hopper 3 (H3) that my landlord had installed recently has given me as a tenant a lot of problems so far. One of them is that he has created 10 folders (photo attached) that all start with the letter "J". After he had finished, I created one folder for myself "David" and a friend. When I...
  7. dangerousdave

    Original Hopper Conflict With Hopper 3 ?

    The guy that I rent a room from in his home desires to change his original Hopper to a Hopper 3. We currently have 3 original Hoppers. One Hopper is the one that I bought and the other two are leased. The DISH phone tech told him that there is some type of conflict with the original Hoppers if...
  8. dangerousdave

    How To Remove Other Hopper Sources? - 1st Generation

    When I press the remote DVR button and select the Source drop-down box immediately to the right of the Red Recordings button, I now see the other two Hopper's in the home. Until yesterday, my Hopper did not show other Hopper's listed which is how I want it. How do I remove the other two Hoppers...
  9. dangerousdave

    Hopper Viewing Recorded Programs Problems

    On occasions, my friend records a program, then goes to watch it later and she sees no picture or sound, just a black screen the entire length of the show (30-60 mins). Sometimes a recorded show will show an full yellow screen for between 10 secs to 4 minutes then suddenly she can view the show...
  10. dangerousdave

    Replacement Remote For Original Hopper

    Three or four of my remote's DVR button contacts are so badly worn, when I depress them I get no response. Someone gave me what appears to be the exact same remote but I don't know how to make it work. On the back it says: 40.0 UHF 2G, FCC ID: MG3-2015 Echostar 186228 which mirrors the remote...
  11. dangerousdave

    Link Another Router to my uVerse Router To Extend wi-fi range?

    My uVerse (standard 2Wire) router is upstairs and I need a wi-fi signal downstairs as the downstairs signal is very weak. I have an Ethernet cable run (75') to downstairs from a port on the uVerse router. Is it possible that I can connect my Linksys E2500 N router to that Ethernet cable and...
  12. dangerousdave

    Use External Hard Drive on Old Dish 522?

    A friend wants to take his old 522 DISH Receiver to his second home to connect to and watch his movies that he has recorded on his external HD connected to his Hopper. Is that possible?
  13. dangerousdave

    Rename Recordings

    Several years ago DISH gave us the option of renaming our various recordings however, as far as I know it's no longer available. Anyone know why this option was taken away? I personally used it quite often.
  14. dangerousdave

    Over 170 Recordings Were System Update Deleted Overnight

    I have a Hopper 2000 that has 3 personal user created DVR folders in addition to the DVR default folders. The internal drive was about 68% full. All 3 of my personal DVR folders contents had all but 1 show deleted during the overnight system update. My drive is now 21% full after the automatic...
  15. dangerousdave

    Hopper Goes From Watching DVR to System Ingetrity Check 770

    We've had the Hopper for about 10 days. I was watching a DVR show from last night and my Hopper suddenly goes to the floating turned off screen. After getting a little upset I pressed select and a minute later the Running System Check display comes on the screen. A few days ago, I was FWD a...
  16. dangerousdave

    TV Viewing Status Screen Accessed by Red Remote Button - Need Help

    Ten days ago we had 4 Joeys & 2 Hoppers installed for 6 people in the household. We were doing well with our two 722 receivers but unfortunately decided to (upgrade?) to the Hopper. Most of us are older so we need some help please. From 8 - 11PM when Prime Time takes one tuner on each Hopper...
  17. dangerousdave

    722k External HD Questions

    I want to move a lot of my recorded programs to an external drive after I call DISH and pay the fee. Can I use my existing WD Elements 1.5tb drive that I am using to back up my PC or should I buy another drive? I need to move my programs quickly as I am almost out of space so if I need a new...
  18. dangerousdave

    Dish 522 Dual Receiver Tuners Switched

    My 3 or 4 year old Dish 522 dual tuner receiver has a problem that started a few nights ago. I had to power it off (5 seconds pressing front power button) when it would no longer pick up my local channels. I was receiving a "searching for satellite signal" type of on-screen message. I left it...
  19. dangerousdave

    Remote IR code for 522 Receiver?

    HI, I had to buy a replacement remote for my Dish 522 receiver. The remote is 5.0 IR #118575 and was bought from a 3rd party. Please tell me what code I need to program in it (SAT Button I Assume) to control my receiver as the remote does not work out of the box. I have searched high and low...
  20. dangerousdave

    Best Way & Suggestions - Signing Up With DISH

    I am going to sign up with DISH. I have a 2 year old 42" EDTV Panasonic Plasma TV with HDMI input which I believe is 480P. I can not afford to upgrade to full 1080P at this time. Watching from a distance of 8-10 feet. I love MLB, NHL & football (college & pro) Have not been a subscriber to...
  21. dangerousdave

    Can Only Have 2 Receivers / 4 Tuners?

    Hi, Please answer my question at the end of my comments. I live in a large house with several apartments. Landlord has provided me with a 522 dual tuner receiver for several years but at the end of this month it goes away. Landlord has a VIP722 dual tuner. Landlord now needs my receiver to...