Hey guys and gals I need some help. I am using the dish music app. It will not play music from my phone to my dish hopper 3. It will allow you to select and radio station you want but it will play radio station. No sound at all I tried reset my phone the Hopper 3:and I am having no such luck at...
Having a problem it says the maximum number of events timers has been reached. No more can be created at this time without deleting one previously created.
What should I do?
Hello my friends there is a brand new channel added this week on the hopper 3dvr. It is dr Phils new channel called merit street channel 247. And it's broadcasting in high definition.
Just some new information this week.
Hello my friends just a about a half a ago dish has now decided to add fast streaming channels to our lineup. Such as the film detective, horror by alter, the bob Ross channel you can also watch these same channels if you have sling free stream. On your Roku or your fire TV.
They are on...
Hello my friends sorry I was gone for so long I am back for a little bit.
Is dish at the consumer electronics show this week in Las Vegas, Nevada 2024 ? Any new products coming from dish anytime soon?
Allen bluegras
good morning my friends just to let you know dish added WWME (METV) channel out of chicago on channel 23 in HD Now dish, how about convincing WYCC channel 20 and WJYS Channel 62 to go HD and we will be fine. thanks
hello my friends just to let you know that the dish whole home music app is not working right. When you try to use iheartradio all i get is a box that says application will not load on the tv screem dish wants you to reset your hopper which i done already and it still stays the same.
Anyone else...
good afternoon my friends just to let you know that the siriusxm music channels are not working right now. please have dish or dirt check them out.it would be greatly appreciated
Allen bluegras
hello my friends accordings to james long uplink report for today newsmaxtv is now live in high defintion on channel 216 i wanted to let you folks know about it have a great day :)
Hello my friends uplink report is up for today and stadium is streaming on channel 290-35 on dish I hope more streaming channels are coming to dish thanks there is a new folder 290 streaming channels.
Hello my friends if you tune to channel 810 through 813 and understand Spanish you will now see a bunch of Mexican,sudamerica espana stations and they are actually streaming picture quality is pretty good some of them are in hd.i hope more streaming stations are added on dish and in hd.this is new.
hi guys is dish going to next years consumers electronics shows in las vegas.Good place to show off show some new things comings from dish just an idea :)
Just a suggestion maybe the next applications for the the hopper 3 DVR would be Disney plus and plutotv.just an idea to throw out to you.guys and.gals.
Good evening you guys and gals there are some Xmas channels in HD you might to check out
The merrist month dish scapes
Channel 199
Modern holiday yule log
Channel 303
Classic yule log
Channel 304
All three in high definition