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  1. directvplus

    Galaxy 11 - WB with Viewsat Extreme???

    Thank you AWH, I read the posts on the link you provided and it is very helpful. I saw in the VS owners manual that there is a way to upload a channel list to the STB and it looks like that will be the solution here. In a lot of ways I prefer my Pansat 2500a over the VS 2000 as it has the means...
  2. directvplus

    Galaxy 11 - WB with Viewsat Extreme???

    Thank you for the welcome to this great satellite forum. I have a complete C band setup with LNBF, I scanned in about 30+ channels with the "blind scan" feature on the VS 2000. The WB is on tp #1, I have tried every search method I know of on the VS but it still will not bring up those 3...
  3. directvplus

    Galaxy 11 - WB with Viewsat Extreme???

    Hello, I was hoping someone could tell me how to get the 3 WB (Warner Brothers) channels on Galaxy 11 - tp 1 with my Viewsat 2000. I have tried the blind scan and it did not find these channels. I am more familiar with the Pansat 2500a and used to find these channels using the "advanced...