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  1. J

    Super Bowl on in HD??? Or is this a rumor?

    Has anyone confirmed the rumor Scott started? Will Dish broadcast the Super Bowl in HD?
  2. J

    First Look: Dish 942 HD/SD Receiver (Updated 1/24/05)

    Scott What are the differences between the 921 and 942?
  3. J

    Dish Answers your 811 Questions

    If I am only using component video I assume I won't have the issue people are having with DVI. Is this correct?
  4. J

    Dish 811 for $149

    I'm getting an 811 installed, hopefully Thursday, for $250. It includes installation and tax and I belive even another dish. I'm getting it from a retailer that Dish said had units.
  5. J

    6000 or 811 quandry

    Should I wait for the 811 or get the 6000. I will only use it for watching HD and will hopefully be able to put an OTA antenna on it and have it pick up HD. Anyone purhcase a 6000 lately? How does it perform with an OTA antenna?
  6. J


    Any news on when it's coming out?