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  1. S

    SC or BEV?

    Hey Gant, I was debating this a few weeks ago and ended up going with SC (it's being installed this afternoon) - mostly because it seems they are less picky about US subs, their pricing seems better (especially with sports NHL/NFL) and other miscellaneous reasons that I found in this forum...
  2. S

    Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

    Hi all - just joined yesterday - great forum! Steve...
  3. S


    How many NFL Sunday ticket games are in HD, for SC? I see the following quote on SC's web page, but I can't tell how many... "HD programming is also offered with NHL Centre Ice and NFL Sunday Ticket." thanks!
  4. S

    More newb questions...

    Awesome, thanks for all of the info! I will most likely go with SC, and will PM someone on the board for broker info, once I have everything ready to go. And thanks for the heads up on Simsub, I will research that some more on the net... thanks, Steve...
  5. S

    More newb questions...

    First of all- this is my first post - this forum is awesome... I am strongly considering signing up with Bell or SC, and have some newb questions - I found alot of my answers in other threads, but instead of responding multiple times, I thought i'd put everything in one post... So here is my...