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  1. stevesns69

    Did anybody noticed the name change on channel 499?

    Yes I noticed it at 3AM my time or 6AM eastern time today.
  2. stevesns69

    An Update

    It's still hot here in Tucson too. Almost a 100 today and it's supposed be cooling off soon? I can't wait until October for cooler day temps.
  3. stevesns69

    Compensation for the Directv Lies?

    I used to work for AT&T a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away and retention is a standard practice if people call in and cry like a baby. Customer calls in and says, "I have a long distance call to Africa on my phone bill and I didn't do it!!". Our scripted response is, "yes sir, that is...
  4. stevesns69

    An Update

    I think people calling D* every 5 minutes isn't going to get the channels switched on any quicker. They'll be on when they fix the problem, which I hope is by friday. :cool:
  5. stevesns69

    Very dissapointed in D*

    Mom always said, "a watched pot doesn't boil". I think we will have the new channels by friday. It has to be a issue with billing adding new channels or something of that nature. Something somebody didn't think about until it was too late. By the way, it's nice to find a D* information site...