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  1. R

    How much about satellites to I need to know

    I'm seeing a scary amount of discussion on this board about 101 degrees and Eastern Arc and LNBs. All I want is to be able to replace Comcast with a content provider that doesn't pixelate and drop out at random but fairly frequent intervals. How much of my time am I going to need to spend...
  2. R

    Leaving Comcast for Dish - Why Two Years?

    Last year when I first started getting sick of Comcast, Dish was offering some good promotional packages. Now that I'm dead set on leaving, the only things I see require a two-year commitment. I don't even give my wife a two-year commitment. Okay, honestly though, I'm going to have two HD TVs...
  3. R

    printable packages

    I had to spend three hours with Excel downloading each of the categories then knitting them together; my list is a year old now so it probably wouldn't help you even if I could find it. I really wanted Uverse but we're about fifty yards too far out from the max distance to their fiber hub.