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  1. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    Is DSS LNB only good for Dish Network/Bell Express Vu channels? If not what other satellites does it pick up?
  2. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    In order to set it up on the switch, for instance for G10 I would use port 1 as committed because the KU LNB is connected to KU LNB. And I would use port 2 for DSS LNB because thats what is connected for the Ecostar 7?
  3. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    I understand that but I am having problem picking up signal because the bracket sits higher then the one that came with the dish so inturn the LNB is not pointing at the dish right in order for it to pickup any signal. Is there a way or a technique that could be used to pickup up the signal again?
  4. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    Once I was able to pick up signal, I installed a second LNB which is DSS with a DIGIWAVE magic bracket and now I don't get any signal. Does anyone know why or what the settings should be on the brackets itself? Would there be special settings for if you are using a switch? Please advise...
  5. R

    Do you have FTA as your only TV entertainment souorce?

    Still setting up FTA Coolsat 4000 with Ku Universal and DSS LNB. Currently have Digital Cable and will get rid of it as soon as the FTA is up and working.
  6. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    The detailed step by step instruction helped greatly because I am able to pickup lot of channels from multiple satallites. Thanks again. One other question, after I did a blind scan for Sat 97, I get lot of channels but most of them say (no audio or video signal). Does anyone know why...
  7. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    Thanks for the link to that thread, it looks very helpful so I will try over the weekend and let you know how it turns out. Thanks again W Tracy Parnell.
  8. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    I've even went back to the factory default and started by uploading the latest firmware 1.31 and it still does not let me save it. Any suggestions? Rinkushah99
  9. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    It does ask me to save but when I go right back in there it reverts back to the old frequency.
  10. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    In order to set the true south, I pulled up Galaxy 10 on my receiver and changed the frequency, LNB power, LNB Type, LNB Freq, DisEqC Motor, Sat degree as 123.o W, and the Antenna Pos at 123.0W / /047.0N and had the quality up to 75% and try to save it but it will not save for some reason. This...
  11. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    Thanks Arion, I have installed the satellite and the motor in that fashion the first time. I was trying to save the settings for Galaxy 10 with the frequency that Iceberg provided and got about 75% quality but when I exit out of that menu and save the new settings it reverts back to the old...
  12. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    I will try this tonight and let you know how it works tomorrow morning. Thanks for all of your help Iceberg and PSB.
  13. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    Sorry, I don't understand, you want me to point to Galaxy 10 from my coolsat and move it east or west until I pickup that transponder?
  14. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    So in order to do this I need to pull up Galaxy 10 on the coolsat and then change the values that you gave me and then do a blind scan to get the new frequencies for the other birds in the sky?
  15. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    Iceberg, you gave me the frequency, polarity and the symbol rate so should I pull up glaxy 10 on the coolsat and plug in the information that you gave me, because my understanding was that the coolsat and the motor should find that automatically?
  16. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    Should the reciver find the satallites on it's own when I plugged the true south? I was able to get about 68% on quality and was able to get few channels on bird 121 but nothing on bird 97 or any other ones at all.
  17. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    Where can I get the polarity the symbol rate and the frequency so I can get some quality rate to be higher then 4-8%?
  18. R

    Need help with setting up coolsat4000 Pro with moter.

    Hello Guys, I was told this is a great site to get all of tech help that I might need. I was directed to this site by FTAdirect. I bought a coolsat4000 Pro as a universal package and wanted to know the true south and the settings for my motorized menu. When I do a blind search for few of...