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  1. N

    VERY new user

    Thanks for the tips, everyone. I think I'm going to pick up that package, does anyone recommend them, or should I get these items piece meal from somebody else? I don't think I'll be able get all of this for cheaper than what they are advertising, $349, which includes shipping.
  2. N

    VERY new user

    DAMN that was quick. Thanks for the help! So I should pick up a bunch of these with that setup I mentioned? And the motor will automatically move the dish over to the next satellite without having to go outside and manually move it over? How do you set up the motor, do you have to set it at...
  3. N

    VERY new user

    23669 Thanks for the help in advance. What about substituting a 76cm Winegard satellite? Will it degrade the ability to pick up as many satellites?
  4. N

    VERY new user

    I'm looking to get into FTA in order to pick up AMC-4 to watch RTPi along with other foreign channels. I've been browsing these posts for the past two days, but haven't really seen any "FTA for dummies" posts. I've got a couple of questions. You guys are saying I need a clear view of the sky...