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  1. csocs_wolf

    Wiring Modification

    Thanks. Guess I'll have to send the SJ back an get another Joey.
  2. csocs_wolf

    Wiring Modification

    I get that. But supposing (hypothetically) that I self install and the additional hopper is on a different account. Anyone see any issue with the wiring? Would it theoretically work?
  3. csocs_wolf

    Wiring Modification

    Any reason why something like this wouldn't work?
  4. csocs_wolf

    Wiring Modification

    I currently have a HWS + SJ + J setup as follows: Dish 1k2 LNBF1 + LNBF2 => Solo Node Solo Node Host => Tap Tap Host => Hopper2 Tap Client => Joey LNBF3 => Integrator Integrator HVN => Super Joey Integrator Client => Solo Node Client My question..... I have another TV and have another...