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  1. jayn_j

    Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

    Here in SE Wisconsin, regular is down under $3. Saw it at $2.92. However premium is still $4.19. Seems a ripoff to me.
  2. jayn_j

    Looks like Physical Movie Rental are almost gone

    I don't buy much anymore, but I do like that once a physical disc is in my hands it is there forever and unchanged (Hans shot first). All the streaming services have titles that come and go, and less popular or dated titles never make it back into rotation. I was looking for a particular disc...
  3. jayn_j

    Speaking of toons lately, Has anyone watched the classic 1972 Fritz The Cat?

    Don't forget the sequel, Heavy Traffic
  4. jayn_j

    I see that TiVo Edge for Antenna is discontinued (even the 2 tuner now), are they going to make another OTA DVR or is TiVo done?

    Monthly is the default. Annual is an option, as is lifetime Lifetime is probably as long as a cable option is available. Spectrum seems to be ready to stop cable and push streaming, which won't work with these boxes. Ultimately the boxes become useless when TIVO stops supporting guide data
  5. jayn_j

    I see that TiVo Edge for Antenna is discontinued (even the 2 tuner now), are they going to make another OTA DVR or is TiVo done?

    My TIVOs have been bombarded with messages offering fire sale prices on the Edge. I have an Edge and a Roamio, both with lifetime.
  6. jayn_j

    Bally Sports RSNs Are Reportedly Preparing For Bankruptcy

    Funny, Spectrum is doing the opposite here. I was able to choose my local RSN as part of the lowest tier, Total Choice pick 15.
  7. jayn_j

    Wayback Machine

    A favorite saying of mine: Nostalgia, it ain't what it used to be (And never was)
  8. jayn_j

    Do you wear glasses or contacts or don't you?

    None right now. I have been waiting 14 months for them to do my cataract surgery. 2 weeks to go, yay. Why does it take so long for any medical procedure these days. I mean, really, 14 months from diagnosis to surgery?
  9. jayn_j

    Which is better, wireless charging or wired?

    One thing the article misses is reliability. Constant use of usb or lightning will eventually cause the port to fail. I have lost equipment over that issue. Since wireless avoids a mechanical connection it is more reliable by design
  10. jayn_j

    Young Sheldon

    Imdb shows an episode 14 showing in March.
  11. jayn_j

    Name a good movie with a bad sequel/sequels...

    As in, never waste money on an odd numbered Star Trek.
  12. jayn_j

    Tivo Edge Over the Air DVR Sale - $100 Off!

    I've had TIVOs for a decade. The only time I ever needed a third tuner was when I had a TIVO MINI connected. The mini would steal a tuner
  13. jayn_j

    Notice: Upcoming Style Change

    I mostly like it. My big issue is that it isn't respecting default font size in preferences. My old eyes and small tablet say nope
  14. jayn_j

    How Many Plasmas Going?

    Fwiw, I still use a 2008 Panny 50S1 plasma daily as a bedroom unit. Still meets all my needs for a bedroom unit
  15. jayn_j

    Is There Any Way To Get NewsNation (ex WGN) Without Upgrading To Choice?

    maybe just stream it?
  16. jayn_j

    A well-rounded embedded engineer? Discussion of Engineering and Software areas of study

    I have been trying to wrap my head around a response for several hours without success. The p r oblem is that the picture you paint is very broad. I see areas you mention as essential where an engineer in a subfield wouldn't need to know or care. At the same time I see a few holes that any...
  17. jayn_j

    Ruin a band name by removing one letter

    The Rolling Tones
  18. jayn_j

    Ruin a band name by removing one letter

    Seattle - Settle?
  19. jayn_j

    Whats for breakfast?

    Found this cute gadget on Amazon that makes a better McMuffin. Simple to use and takes 3 minutes. Made some today with leftover butcher bacon, mild cheddar rounds, an egg and locally sourced English muffins. A totally different and much better experience.
  20. jayn_j

    Dual recording DVR for private cable systems

    Wow, that thread you quoted is 14 years old. Must admit that I haven't kept up on commercial guide services. I suspect theiy disappeared with the trend toward streaming.
  21. jayn_j

    Enable the digital audio out on Pioneer Elite Pro110FD

    Note that the initial exchange was 10 years old. Lots has changed since then.
  22. jayn_j

    Post any unpopular opinions that you have that aren't political or religious...

    When I got my MSEE in 1977, I chose HP because they made stuff nobody else could make. When I left HP in 2001 They only sold stuff nobody else would bother with. I was on the instrument side. I looked at a Keysite catalog in 2015. Nearly everything in there was something I had worked with...
  23. jayn_j

    Dish now asking if I am still watching, and shuts off if I don’t respond

    Just a bit of paranoia. Is it possible that DISH is selling viewing data and they need to verify people are actually watching.
  24. jayn_j

    Looters raiding LA cargo trains of Amazon, UPS shipments

    Time to lock it down or move it to political talk.
  25. jayn_j

    IBM PC Turns 40 Years Old

    Hmmm. I interviewed IBM in Boca Raton for this secret project ba ck in 1976. Took a job at HP instead worting on their desktop and 'personal' computers. HP spent over a decade trying to sell their 'better' computers until finally realizing that standard is better than better. Today I tell...