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  1. A

    Reliability Guarantee Is an Insult

    I would have frankly preferred this over the gimmick they're pushing with a reliability "guarantee." Then I would have known not to waste my time calling in.
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    Reliability Guarantee Is an Insult

    Tell me which is a more accurate/honest headline: "Dish Reliability Guarantee Offers Credits for Weather Outages" or "Dish Offers Customers $0.14 Credit Per Hour of Weather Outages if Customers Call In and Report the Outage." The whole point is that they hide the truth in the details and fine...
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    Reliability Guarantee Is an Insult

    That's the whole point of my post. It's an insult and something I never intend to do again.
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    Reliability Guarantee Is an Insult

    yeah, this is totally fair. In fact, I think Dish recognizes that uninterrupted service 24/7 is generally not possible. But, I feel like they could just acknowledge a 99.9% uptime and leave it at that without trying to add some gimmick where if you find the 0.01% downtime, and you spend some...
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    Reliability Guarantee Is an Insult

    yeah, I definitely don't intend to call again. But the fact that neither you or I will call is the exact reason this whole offer is an insult. If their high value, almost $200/month clients don't find calling in to be valuable, who exactly would?
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    Reliability Guarantee Is an Insult

    Are they looking at weather maps to see if you had an actual storm and then taking your word for it if you say you had an outage because the payout is so low? That would also explain the "within 72 hours" stipulation as I'm sure Dish is too cheap to pay for premium historical weather data.
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    Reliability Guarantee Is an Insult

    I don't mean to get pedantic here, but the flip side of your rhetorical question is if it's really 100% uptime if it's only up when you need it. Am I paying for 24/7 availability (I'm sure all advertising leans towards saying this) or am I paying for availability when I want to use it (I've...
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    Reliability Guarantee Is an Insult

    They must know somehow because they have to confirm the outage before giving you the credit!
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    Reliability Guarantee Is an Insult

    Sorry, I find that argument wholly ridiculous. They want to "meter" your service for credits but leave it "unmetered" for charges. I'd prefer the meter option since I should theoretically get a 33% discount right off the bat for sleeping 8 hours a day. Plus, by your logic, they should, for...
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    Reliability Guarantee Is an Insult

    23+ year customer here. Had an outage yesterday with a significant storm. So, I thought I'd make use of their reliability guarantee today. I spent 10 minutes on the phone to be credited $3. If they have an outage, why can't they just auto-credit us without having to make us call in for it...
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    Outdoor OTA No Longer Offered?

    Dish and one of my local channel affiliates have been engaged in a channel dispute for a number of months. Dish has sent me an indoor OTA antenna to pick up the channel, but the antenna isn't strong enough to do so. I've called twice now to ask about an outdoor OTA antenna solution. They...
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    Going from a 722K to a Hopper

    Thanks, that was my understanding as well. I'll definitely get it in writing first.
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    Going from a 722K to a Hopper

    The agent on the phone told me that I was grandfathered in at the $7 DVR fee and that my fee wouldn't increase. Was this information incorrect?
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    Going from a 722K to a Hopper

    I'm thinking of upgrading from the 722k as well. Will there be any changes in my monthly fee of the $7 DVR? I was using the 722k with 2 TVs (one SD and one HD) for a while, but I am only using it on one TV these days. Thus, I don't need anything past the Hopper 3 itself. Do the 722k's...
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    Dish OTA Module Won't Pick Up Locals

    Thanks guys! Fixed my problem...didn't have it set to Offair as all of you suggested. Can't believe I've been watching my locals in SD for so long when they've been available in HD forever. Now I can cancel my appointment for next week and not have another satellite on my roof! Does anyone...
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    Dish OTA Module Won't Pick Up Locals

    Hey guys! I purchased an OTA module for my 722K from Amazon to get my locals in HD through my DVR. My OTA antenna is a small, paper-thin antenna that picks up every local channel when I hook it directly into the TV. However, when I hook it into the OTA module that I've installed into the back...
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    Courtesy Credits and Programming Change

    Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone knew if recurring courtesy credits are affected if I downgrade my programming to the flex package. Thanks!!
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    Got a call from "Dish Network Loyalty Dept" for 50% off. Is this legit?

    OP, I'm also an international subscriber, and also got a call a while back and also got one more recently too. Let me guess, it was from India, wasn't it? I posted about it here ( The...
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    Possible Scam Going On by company pretending to be DISH affiliate...

    Yea, definitely a hard subject to title... I changed my PW right before I posted this, but I doubt they had my password hacked. It was a 12 character string of random numbers and letters. Regardless, the more people that know about the scam, the more likely it is to stop working (although...
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    Possible Scam Going On by company pretending to be DISH affiliate...

    It is absolutely a scam where DN's name is being fraudulently used as the front for the scam. Although it's not a scam perpetrated by DN, it's extremely relevant to all DN users (and even potential users who could be lured in with this 50% off promise...). If you can think of a better...
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    Possible Scam Going On by company pretending to be DISH affiliate...

    Just did a little bit of research and it seems even worse than Western Union. Looks like they ask you to go out and buy some "money cards" and then ask you to give them the money card numbers so that they can deposit funds into your DN account. I don't know how anyone could think buying the...
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    Possible Scam Going On by company pretending to be DISH affiliate...

    I think the worst part is that satellitesales(dot)com is a secondary victim here. They seem to be a legitimate company....
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    Possible Scam Going On by company pretending to be DISH affiliate...

    Hey all! I just wanted to warn you all to a scam going on by a "Dish Network Affiliate." This "affiliate" uses a Skype phone number and an "Out Of Area"/"Blocked Number" to call you and offer a deal that sounds too good to be true. The company will pay off your DN bill for the next 12 or 24...
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    DISH Drops AMC Networks (AMC Back on DISH channel 131)

    Just a timing update. I'm number 3 in line now, and it looks like it takes about 2 hours to get through the queue.
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    DISH Drops AMC Networks (AMC Back on DISH channel 131)

    Number 56 in line now, so moving about 30 spots every 22 minutes.