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  1. DFWSteve

    Newbie tips

    Haven’t put the pole in yet, but remembered that I had a nonpen mount that I was using for some Ham Radio stuff so I borrowed it. Things seem to be working, though I’m seeing channels on what appear to be the wrong satellite (off like 2 degrees). Does that mean my due south is off a bit? Using...
  2. DFWSteve

    Newbie tips

    Pretty in depth, I'm going to keep an eyeout for C-Band, and have some fun with KU while I scout out for the right dish. Looking at renting a power auger to bore out a hole. Any guidelines for speccing that out? I googled around and didn't quite find hard and fast rules so I figured I'd post my...
  3. DFWSteve

    Newbie tips

    Howdy guys/gals, Been wanting to setup a FTA dish for probably 15 years, and this summer (two weeks before the lockdowns started!) closed on a house, so I finally can! I dabble dabble in electronics, and ham radio, so this always felt like something I’d get a kick out of. I’ve got a spot with a...