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    New Satelite Launched For Echo Star

    So they could throw some ESPN HD 2 on that bad boy, eh?
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    ESPN 2 HD launches on 1/6...Any chance for Dish?

    Um, so does that mean no ESPN HD 2 in January?
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    FLASH: No Name Based Recording on 921, 721, 501, 508, 510

    um, I'll take that as a never, not sure about everyone else. I'd have to think their thought process is to make the 522 available to existing members and then you'll get your NBR.
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    FLASH: No Name Based Recording on 921, 721, 501, 508, 510

    That really blows hard, I hope they make the 522 available to exisiting customers soon, cause this is something my family and I have been waiting for.
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    Will 522 be available to existing customers

    what if they are doing a move, that's a new isntall basically, except I already have three receivers there. Why wouldn't they let me snag a 522 at that point?
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    522 Question

    Dish just told me they had none available, did they stop leasing these? Or are they just under stocked?
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    522 Question

    Can you record two things at once with a 522? I know it is two tuners, so that would allow recording one program and watching a different program at once, just not clear on being able to record two programs at once.
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    Name Based Recording Discussion (L232 Software)

    What is the cost to upgrade from a 510 to a 522? I've like the option of two tuners and this name based recording may be the kick in the pants I needed to get going on it.
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    VOOM orders five satellites to boost HD capacity to 5000 channels

    hmmm.... I'm a E*sub and am patiently waiting out the Sat War to see what happens. I'm hoping E* purchases Voom soon so I can get more HD. How does this impact that speculation?
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    (Alternative) OTA HD-STB Discussion

    But is all 50 channels of voom's hd worth $50 a month? Specifically will any of their HD channels be stretched SD images?
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    Simple HD solution

    But is all 50 channels of voom's hd worth $50 a month? Specifically will any of their HD channels be stretched SD images?
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    (Updated) Replies to your questions from Dish

    Lighted a small fuse of hope that they will try to do good for us when the do go MPEG4. Also hopefully more HD is coming and they are just wanting to suprise the competition with their announcement, maybe a bluff from Charlie (if he's smart enough for that).
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    AV issues during MNF game

    Located in Easter Iowa and got the same popping and clicking. thought it was going to blow my speakers a couple of times. Obviously the feed.
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    Dish Earnings Conference Call and reported HD Plans...

    So let me get this right, I have E*, have had E* for a while and if I want to stay with them and then get the new HD MPEG4 I'll need to "BUY" a new reciever from E*?!?!? WTF??? More and more reasons to move to D*.
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    D* dominating

    What good is receiver technology when you can't see the channels you want? That's like buying a Ferrari when your 12, can't use the damn thing, but hey it looks nice.
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    SoftWare Update: v.281

    I can't even get mine to turn on today. I work out of town all week, every week, so the 811 doesn't get used but on Sat and Sun. When I got home this morning to watch some football and turned it on I got nothing. I automatically assumed it was downloading software and pulled up this site. I...
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    Free HD PPV tonight

    so what is on HD PPV tomorrow night then? That's how it works right, switch to it tonight before midnight and you get free hd ppv tomorrow night?
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    Sirius Receiver on Dish Website

    What is the deal with the sirius radio receiver on Dish's network? I didn't think they were selling radio receivers... anyone know the price on those bad boys?
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    How easy is "moving"??

    forgive my ignorance, but what is the benefit of "moving"....
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    Whats the deal with PPV-HD?

    I'd agree with NightRyder, but FFS, get some damn bandwidth. they are in the business of providing satellite TV, they didn't know they'd need more bandwidth? WTF!?!? Wonder what happened after they hired their first employee? "So we gotta pay this guy for the work he's doing?"
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    NFL kicks off 2004-2005 season in HD

    well I guess it could benefit us Dish folks, if we have an 811 we should get the ESPNHD games and if you plug in an OTA and your locals do HD you should get the Fox, CBS and ABC games.... only thing we'd be missing is the NFL Network (must not be compelling enough).
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    Dish Network on HDTV

    ...sign contracts... blah blah blah.... if every customer wanted a pink pony in their yard standing next to the dish I'm sure we'd hear that they were aggressivley working on developing compelling DNA to breed more compelling pink ponies. Basically I'll beleive it when I see it from either D*...
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    Dish Network to carry ALTITUDE Network

    I feel the negativity is that it only gives something more to Charlie and those in his area. What about us that live outside those ten states? If I'm not important enough to get the new channel too, then maybe my money isn't important enough either.
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    DishPro Plus 44 Switch Review

    Please forgive my ignorance, and maybe this isn't the place for this, however.... What does a switch do for you? Allow you to obtain more then one satellite feed into your home? if so do you need more then one dish on your roof? And why would you want more then one feed? Are there...
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    P268 is here!

    I've noticed two changes with my 811.... 1. before 267 my dolby and pcm option worked fine, got 267 and only the pcm option worked for any channles (i'd get no sound on my hd channels and OTA channels). Now that I have 268 my dolby and pcm option is working fine. Hmmmmm, guess 267 did...