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  1. Jim5506

    Trouble with OTA lately

    I only saw 2 on Amazon. Both black with the USB cable permanently attached, $42 and $49.99 respectively. AirTv also had one just like the black ones mentioned above but it is white. Same internals just the case is different color and says AirTv instead of Dish on the case. Be sure to get the...
  2. Jim5506

    Trouble with OTA lately

    The Dish dual tuner OTA adapter (latest and greatest) looks like this only is black. The USB cable is built in and is about 12" long. The older dual tuner adapter is problematic (tends to overheat). Mine is from AirTV but the inards (circuit board) are identical. It is not terribly sensitive...
  3. Jim5506

    Trouble aiming 61.5

    I guess I was unclear. What I was referring to was the surface area of a dish that has the same radius as the Dish Network offset dishes but contains the complete circle of reflector 360 degrees around the lnb's center focus. Dish Network off set dishes have only about 1/4 to 1/5 of that surface...
  4. Jim5506

    Hopper Plus Re-booting Issue

    Some of you electrical engineers out there correct me if I'm wrong but the amperage of a power supply is a potential and it will only supply the amperage the appliance draws, so I'm skeptical of the tech remarks. A voltage differential of 2.5 is not good, can burn up equipment, but amperage, no...
  5. Jim5506

    Trouble aiming 61.5

    DBS satellite dishes only retrieve maybe 20-25% of the signal that their lnbs could see of they were on a central focal line instead of off set.
  6. Jim5506

    Trying to get a straight answer

    IIRC, the 722 feeds TV1 AND TV2 on separate RF channels from the TV out coax on the back or the receiver and feeds TV1 to the nearby TV with HDMI and/or Component. IF you go Hopper you would have to have a Joey at the other TV fed by coax but that coax is backfed through the coax that comes from...
  7. Jim5506

    Dish Letter for outdated equipment

    We often make the 590 mile trek to Galveston, by car, impossible to do in one day with electric. Even a trip to DFW area would require stopping for an inordinate length of time to "gas up" the battery. Electric is ok for local commuting but for longer trips they are exercises in futility. If we...
  8. Jim5506

    Trouble aiming 61.5

    First you need to determine that you are receiving 72 satellite on the correct lnb. From BEHIND the dish, the left lnb receives 72. Cover it with aluminum foil or a tin can or something else metallic that will totally block the signal. If your reception on 72 fails, you have the correct lnb...
  9. Jim5506

    Is the MoCA network the reason for hot Joeys?

    More than likely it is lack of proper ventilation of the motherboard. I had a Joey 3 that was rather warm to the touch, so I used a 12V power supply to power a small fan constantly blowing air across it. I have a similar 120 v fan that pulls warm air out the right side of my H3. It never...
  10. Jim5506

    Dish Anywhere on Apple TV

    When Dish bought Sling, the Sling equipment was very good and even had virtual remotes that mimicked the Dish remotes, but Dish threw that all away, doing their own thing and the mess we have now is part of that. Sloppy performance and inept controls. Maybe someone with a lick of sense will pull...
  11. Jim5506

    4K Events Discussion Thread

    Scott fixed it. A new addin changed it to the name of the next thread with the OP's avatar.
  12. Jim5506

    Hopper Grounding ... Cheater Plug

    The two pronged plug is polarized itself, but that also requires you household wiring to be done correctly.
  13. Jim5506

    4K Events Discussion Thread

    Boy, I really killed this thread! I am still unable to go to the next thread in chronology, there are no links to previous or next thread at the bottom of my page. Did I turn something off or did an update screw things up?
  14. Jim5506

    Hopper 3 Software H375

    I don't know if it is the new software or not, but at the end of each thread there is no longer the option to go to the next one (lower right) or back to the previous thread (lower left).
  15. Jim5506

    Hi everyone!

    AMEN and Hallelujah!!
  16. Jim5506


    Have I accidentally done something wrong or are the threads no longer going to the next unread thread when I read the last post. If I turned it off how can I turn it back on?
  17. Jim5506

    Why does dish network down convert some channels to SD?

    They either do not have a contract to show the HD version or there is no HD version. Everything available is done by contract, not by desire.
  18. Jim5506

    On Demand Program List

    If you have a House Hunter's program recorded, start playing one then click stop it and the Hopper 3 will display all the on demand episodes available.
  19. Jim5506

    Hopper 3 hard drive failure

    Welcome to streaming, inability to skip or FFW thru ads.
  20. Jim5506

    Hopper 3 Software H375

    Signal Protect ONLY works with channels that have streams associated with them. No stream no protect.
  21. Jim5506

    Which LNB is for which satellite?

    Hopper3 does not work with older two "eye" DPP WA lnbs. H3 requires a hybrid lnb or an additional switch with DPP equipment because of the stacking of 16 tuners while the DPP lnb could handle only 3 tuners.
  22. Jim5506

    EchoStar/Dish raises doubts about 'ability to continue as a going concern'

    You should go to Mexico where there is only 4GLTE and see the difference in download times and page refreshes.
  23. Jim5506

    Dish Protect Question

    We did a dish mover 2 months ago and last week I had to have a tech come and move my dish because a large pecan tree in the back yard was effecting 61.5. Had to take a Dish Protect to avoid $95 tech visit. Looks like here in Texas I'll keep it for 3 months.
  24. Jim5506

    Dish Protect Question

    Does Dish still charge a penalty for dropping Dish Protect too soon?