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  1. T

    HR2x / HR34 External Hard Drive FYI/Support (eSATA)

    Thanks, I upgraded my old tivo a couple of time with no problems, but still a little gun shy, are there any pictures of the insides of a hr20-700? thanks
  2. T

    HR2x / HR34 External Hard Drive FYI/Support (eSATA)

    Can one just replace the harddrive inside with a 750 gig? Or does the harddrive have to be formatted in a special way? Just wondering........
  3. T

    HR2x / HR34 External Hard Drive FYI/Support (eSATA)

    To Brewer4, yes very easy & very quiet, wish I could put the 750 gig inside though, any upgrades like what they have for the tivos, hate to waste the harddrive inside
  4. T

    HR2x / HR34 External Hard Drive FYI/Support (eSATA)

    Brewer4, everything went perfect it's nice to have a 750gig hd for my hr20-700, talk about space!
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    HR2x / HR34 External Hard Drive FYI/Support (eSATA)

    TO BREWER4: I ordered the exact same setup for my external storage that you did, but what cable do I order to hook up my encloser to the HR20-700? Thanks
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    DTV SlimLine Dish Install Video

    when can i buy a slimline dish & not the AT9? THANKS
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    5 LNB dish weather issues

    The dish has to be tweaked perfectly to get the highest signal for the new the sats and even then your signal will be lost more frequently.
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    AT9 Dish - your experience(s) so far?

    don't do it, a 2nd version (much smaller) is coming out in a few months
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    R15 DVR vs. TiVo...And the winner is???

    Tivo hands-down, R15 nothing but trouble
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    New H20 and 5 LNB for Sl.

    You're right, forgot..................
  11. T

    New H20 and 5 LNB for Sl.

    Thanks, will order it now! Hope Wichita,KS comes online very soon!!!!
  12. T

    Channel 84 - Olympics ?

    I get the distant nets, but not channel 84, why not? I'm getting pissed.............
  13. T

    Channel 84 - Olympics ?

    I am not getting channel 84 either, what the hell is going on? I have HD package and the distant nets, I get CBS HD. It's Saturday morning,8am central time. I'm pissed.................