Search results for query: *

  1. M

    5 Free Blu-ray movies with purchase of player....

    I received mine this week and did get The Italian Job.
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    ps3 for only 319

    yes, I just returned from my local Kmart with a 360 Pro with the 2 free games for less than 300.00 total cost. Great Deal!
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    Samsung DLP deal @ Best Buy

    Just found a deal at BB. Basically you get a free xbox 360 and Halo 3 when buying a Samsung DLP. How are these sets? Check this out and let me know how hard I should start working on the wife.
  4. M

    Another one bites the dust....

    Well I received a brand new unit without HDMI. Manufacture date of 7-24-07. I did plug in to test, off to ebay for this unit with my collection of games.
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    Considering a PS3

    Well, I for one am really enjoying mine and is great as a bluray player. Also, I missed this deal but amazon has a deal that will give you 3 free bluray instantly. I for one say go for it. Good Luck
  6. M

    Just receive my 5 Free BD in mail!!!!

    Did you send in original receipt or did you just send in a copy. I am wanting to get a PS3 afetr 360 died and wanting to know if a copy of receipt would work. Thanks, Mike
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    Another one bites the dust....

    Mine just went red lights on me for the second time. I had it fixed about 6 months ago, now again. I believe that once it is repaired, it will go straight to ebay with the service contract and HD add on. I believe I will try out the PS3. I for one am tired of playing this game of tag with my...
  8. M

    Any satguys playing NCAA 07 (360) on live?

    Graphics are great. Just finished first game and did not seem to lag very much although there was some. It did take quite a long time to finish a game.
  9. M

    Any satguys playing NCAA 07 (360) on live?

    Hey, I just picked up my copy of NCAA 07 and if anyone else here has this game stick me on your friends list and we can play and talk sat stuff. I am not a trashtalker I just like to play games as a leisure activity not a career. gamertag gregg6097
  10. M

    DirecTivo HR10-250 Blowout!

    Do you think that they would let me get an HDTivo to replace one of my existing boxes? I already sub to ST and SFan (paid 99 last year). I would like to replace an H10 with a free HDTivo if at all possible. I already have 1 10-250 in livingroom that came from VE. Very satisfied with this...
  11. M

    HD PPV Going Away?

    I have rented several HD ppv movies. I rent and store on HD Tivo to show off what the system can do to friends. You really should try it, looks fabulous! Mike
  12. M

    xbox live gametag

    gregg6097 Xbox 360 games none but I just signed up on gamefly, COD2 and Need for Speed on the way Xbox games Madden 06 NBA Live 06
  13. M

    HDMI Problem

    Hello, Well I have a problem with my new H10 receiver and HDMI. When connected to the Philips Plasma TV it has a narrow green vertical bar on the far right of the screen. I switched boxes and hooked up my HR10-250 and same thing through HDMI. I was using the HDMI cord that came in the...
  14. M

    $299 HD-DVR w/ $100 rebate

    Just tried to order HDTivo today and was told that only offer was 649 with 100MIR. I said no thanks and will try again at a later time. I already have 1 HD Tivo and sub to HD NFL Ticket and SuperFan. I am only about 10 months into year contract however. I thought I could get better, oh well...
  15. M

    "Moving" questions

    My question is this. If NY goes MPEG-4 will the distant subs remain receiving the distant HD signal from NY in MPEG-2 or will they all be switched out for new equipment. This is the situation I am in as I receive all the distant HD via waiver, but am concerned I will lose these when the...
  16. M

    Sunday Ticket billing question

    Hello, I am a fairly new subscriber to D* (5 mos.) and I took the plunge last month and caled D* and ordered ST and the SuperFan features. I know that some will be miffed by this, but for me ST was a big draw to D* in the first place and it is cheaper than trying to attend games. Anyway, I...
  17. M

    Sunday Ticket Superfan

    I just went online to check the price for superfan as I have read that it has been dropped to 49. It appears to no longer be an option on thew online ordering page. Have they ditched the superfan idea(hopefully)? Guess I will wait and see. Thanks, Mike
  18. M

    Bell Expressvu HD 6100 system

    Hello, I am looking to sell my slightly used (6 months) 6100 system. Everything works 100% perfect. I hate to sell, just can't justify paying 2 seperate bills monthly any longer. It comes with everything you will need to become operational, the receiver, one remote, 20" dish (same as dish...
  19. M

    Incentives for subbing a HD Tivo??

    Well, I went ahead and ordered one from VE. I will inquire when I call to activate the box. Just could not wait. Now hoping I can get qualified for HD waivers for NY locals. Thanks for the help. Mike
  20. M

    Incentives for subbing a HD Tivo??

    ...incentives currently available to a current sub adding a HD Tivo box? If so, how would one go about getting such incentives? I have only been a D* sub for about 2 months after leaving E*. While on E* I had HD and am really missing it even though the limited offerings (it is just...
  21. M

    Debating the HD Tivo-Help

    ...a HDTivo with the new price drop, I receive the LEX, Ky locals whicj is DMA 64 I believe so I am looking down the road for HD locals on D*. I currently have 2 SD Tivo that I love and I hope there would be an outside chance I could get HD waivers for the nets. Please post any information...
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    Having trouble getting 82!!!

    Hello, I have read every thread in here on locating the birds for Bell. I followed the steps and I can get 91 with 80 or so strength, a few trans are at 100. But on 82 the best I am getting are mid 50's. I am located in KY so I should be well within footprint. I bought a signal finder and...
  23. M

    Access card in 6100??

    Hello, I just received my 6100 Bell HD receiver. It does not have an access card, I believe it has one built in. Does anyone have one of these and can shed some light on this subject for me. Also, can someone explain how skew works on adjusting the dish. I have never attempted skew...
  24. M

    BEV HD picture quality???

    Glad to hear that. That is primarily the reason I am getting Bev also, the US networks in HD. I do have a 811 through E* and love the HD PQ, just starving for content. And of course want to enjoy the SuperBowl in HD also. I also am awaiting my system and I will post my results for all to see...
  25. M

    BEV HD picture quality???

    Hello, Anyone have any experience receiving BEV HD programming? I was just wondering what the PQ is like. I am getting a system and have heard good things, just thought I would see if anybody out there would care to comment on there experiences with BEV. Iceberg has been very helpful, I am...