Search results for query: dish grounding

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  1. wvman


    I did and everything was within range. I've had two different LNBF's on it and located another last evening I may try if the rain let's up today. It's weird it took so many receivers to finally get a picture and signal. When I first started realigning the dish, the meter kept pegging out and...
  2. Josh.M

    SiriusXM channels missing

    I'm going to be honest - this has been communicated in many different ways to agents and there are multiple tools that would help with understanding the cause of missing channels. The outage has made everything MUCH more difficult though, but any feedback should be sent through your...
  3. HipKat

    SiriusXM channels missing

    And techs getting hits on their metrics for BS R12's, wasting money on truck rolls, making it harder to schedule other customers as we are extremely busy now and hitting office metrics for the extra truck rolls, the jobs without sales opportunities, etc. Not to mention the insanely long waits on...
  4. charlesrshell

    Hopper plus

    Hopper Plus is for the Hopper it is attached too only. Does not serve the other Hopper. J4s & WJ4s do not need a Hopper Plus to function. They will have all the Google stuff.
  5. T

    Hopper plus

    intesting cause that around the time I original tried to do this. they said said it would not work. Does hopper plus serve both h3? Oh I actual talk mutiple people at loyalty department before I managed to get hold supervisor, I was gona get 2 hopper plus so both my h3 has access to hopper...
  6. N

    Error 1523

    I know this post is a little old, but if someone new happens to find this string looking for the answer to the 1523 error, the cable is most likely the culprit. Either loose connections, corroded wires or bad cable. This past winter I cut my cable with my tractor. As a quick remedy, I did a bush...
  7. arlo

    Moteck SG-2100 satellite motor settings

    Oops. Brainfart. Maybe shoot for one on 87W? One of the recent ones? What I was hinting was. Look at the pic. The red N&S obviously has to be in line with the poles (with magnetic compensation). The Green lines were if you were to tip the motor back so that they were like the red ones. You...
  8. I

    Moteck SG-2100 satellite motor settings

    Would someone mind helping me understand the next step to perform after a Moteck SG-2100 satellite motor has been mounted properly to a pole cemented in the ground and the satellite dish has been attached. I'm reading two different set of instructions and need help on which direction to go...
  9. electronmini

    Finding what Satellite I have the Dish presently

    I am on a steep roof and shaking all the time since at 83 not the best behavior to be on the roof, but on the ground all my neighbors have huge trees. The way I started was using the GPS compass for 222.2 and compare with a cheap magnetic compass. Ithink to remember that dishes had an "Offset...
  10. primestar31

    Resurrecting a DishTV system with VIP722k - diagnostics?

    So, don't you have any local teenagers that would like $20 CASH to trace back the wire from the dish? Don't pay them before it's done. They could take pics with a cellphone if needed. Sure would be safer and faster than waiting for the possibility of YOU going on the roof with a damaged foot...
  11. K

    Resurrecting a DishTV system with VIP722k - diagnostics?

    Hello TAG, I had previously found two BLACK leads that I thought were going to the dish, but they are not (or if they are they are open somewhere between the garage test point and the dish). Testing each lead separately with two different receivers (my 722k and a borrowed 211z), running...
  12. B

    Have To Move The Roof Dish Antennas.

    Must move the 1000.2 and Single antennas due to a tree blocking some of the satellites. When I installed these antennas in 2005, I knew one day I would have signal problems as the tree has grown. So, I'm going to install two metal poles in the yard that has clear view to the western arc...
  13. K

    Resurrecting a DishTV system with VIP722k - diagnostics?

    Thanks for that, every little bit helps! Assuming that it will do the 1 of 38, then the next step will have to wait until I can climb the roof. Would the circuitry of the LNB show a high-resistance loop or ground across the center conductor and shield of the cable? I'm looking for something...
  14. Foxbat

    Dish TV Equipment Left Behind in our New House - How to ID dish wires?

    There is a tester you can get that will inject a warble tone into a coax cable. You use a “toner” probe that picks up this injected signal that allows to find the other end of the coax. However, if you are limited to ground or floor level, that wouldn’t work. I never tried using an ohmmeter...
  15. K

    Dish TV Equipment Left Behind in our New House - How to ID dish wires?

    Hello Sam, thanks for the reply. This would be my method of choice; unfortunately, I am in a cast and confined to ground level activity for the next four weeks while recuperating from a broken heel. I was hoping that perhaps the dish would have some sort of signature resistance across the shield...
  16. K

    Dish TV Equipment Left Behind in our New House - How to ID dish wires?

    Hello Folks, The previous owners of our house apparently were Dish TV subscribers, and they left behind a VIP722k receiver (with smartcard still inserted) and the rooftop satellite dish. Our CATV RG6U cables are home-runned into a distribution cabinet in my office. The distribution equipment...
  17. Altitudinous

    Any $DISH stock holders here?

    I'm not a Dish shareholder, but I am a member of an income-focused investing group on Seeking Alpha. Here's a couple of recent takes from that site on Dish stock that consider the work they're doing with rolling out 5G wireless. You may have to create a free account or sign in with...
  18. S

    Any $DISH stock holders here?

    Dow Jones is down 6% from its January high. Dish is down 45% from its January high.
  19. S

    Any $DISH stock holders here?

    Just curious if any of you out there are DISH stock holders as well? The stock has been pummeled into the ground over the last few months and I’m starting to lose faith in the company. Is DISH going to be able to turn it all around?
  20. Josephinelcajon

    DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

    They can move the dish without going inside but can not do any work without someone over 18 present the entire time. If you can try calling in the middle of the night.
  21. S

    DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

    I didn't realize that Dish had a problem until three days ago when I went online to pay my bill. Isn't there requirements to notify customers when there is a data breach? I've seen nothing. This morning I had an email saying I have an appointment to change out my equipment. I never made an...
  22. Bassplayer 1964

    COZI Missing on 103 W KU ?

    Update: I checked things at the ground block and done a blindscan with my meter and lo and behold cozi ku made the list ! The fitting on the lnb side looked questionable so I replaced that and peaked the dish and lnb skew and now it's back at 14.8 C/N The fitting didn't look all that bad but...
  23. Bruce

    Dish and DirecTV once again in talks despite antitrust.

    I wrote 3 million this year, 2 Million is what normally leaves, plus 1 Million out of the 2 Million that still paid for ST. Considering cheap people, did you not post that you pay $0 for your DirecTV and share it with your Landlord as part of your rent? It is math, loss in 2021 was 4.7 million...
  24. E

    Looking for a shorter Lifter for Big Dish

    Hi Arlo, I don't have a picture of a shorter lifter at my 10 foot mesh dish antenna. But hey, THINK, IF you remove the actuator arm from the dish, guess what would happen without a lifter???? The dish will FALL or NOSE DIVE!!! I'm still asking around for a short lifter that would be a bench...
  25. E

    Looking for a shorter Lifter for Big Dish

    Hi Folks, I Don't know which category to post my thread on??? Or I don't know where else to post it on this forum?? I'm looking for a shorter lifter that I could use for my C-band mesh big dish antenna to sit on the board on such lifter so that I could work on the actuator arm behind it...