Search results for query: dish grounding

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  1. Scott Greczkowski

    Dish stock down 22% today as I type

    Huh? I have only heard rumblings of a DISH Amazon deal. Amazon is launching their own internet via Satellite, if they had DISH's ground spectrum it would push them to be one of the largest carrier. But so far their deal with Amazon with Boost isn't doing anything. No one is buying. And...
  2. Stuart Sweet

    NICE AND EASY: Should you put a lightning arrester on a dish?

    What you see is a lightning arrester. This particular one is for a high-tension power line. It’s a device designed to keep a lightning strike from traveling down a wire and ruining everything, because let’s face it, one lightning strike can (and will) ruin your entire day. If lightning can hit...
  3. primestar31

    Attempt at 15w

    You HAVE to do an inverted dish for a sat that low to the horizon, but even so as stated, ground noise is likely going to wipe out any signal, unless you use a much larger dish. Then you might have a chance.
  4. cyberham

    Attempt at 15w

    The best days of 15W seem to be in the past. It was one of my first-ever received satellites from Nova Scotia. I used to receive MSNBC and exotic tps including from TVGE from Equatorial Guinea (now on 97W). The lowest I've seen in past was 12 degrees elevation. I could reliably receive 3W using...
  5. iBoston

    Attempt at 15w

    Actually, the RG6 cords saved the dish.. It never hit the ground, but the lnbf took a wack... The dish has no visible damage. But, i have not pulled any signals in as of yet with this dish. Maybe tomorrow, ill grab a signal I'm very familiar with and weed out any other potential issues.
  6. jorgek

    Attempt at 15w

    Is it possibe due to the dish falling that it is warped? It does not take much to mess up the focal point. I dropped a 33" dish and I could never peak it right.
  7. iBoston

    Attempt at 15w

    Yea, i did that with 30w. I've been reviewing some old posts. Thus far - I cannot receive a signal. I may make sure i can receive a test signal first.. This is the dish that blew off onto the ground a year back.. Not 100% the lnbf is good.
  8. iBoston

    Attempt at 15w

    For me, the signal is about 3 degrees above horizon. I want to try and get the VOA.. I would be using a 39 inch dish. I already know from setting up 30w, the darn dish looks like it is pointed at the ground. So, for 15w, I'm sure ill have issues mounting it right side up being the dish will...
  9. Stuart Sweet

    Your Antenna Tower Installation Experts

    Does the thought of buying an antenna tower make you nervous? If so, it’s perfectly normal. This is a HUGE purchase, and there’s a lot you need to know beforehand. Like how high should your tower be? And is it going to need guy wires? (What are guy wires, anyway?) Then there’s the question of...
  10. dishdude

    how much would it cost to get this disgusting pole mount fixed?

    On my pole mounts, I would take the foot off the J mount I wasn't using and tighten it around the bottom of the pole to keep it from spinning. A lot faster and easier than drilling into the pole.
  11. tjboston5676

    how much would it cost to get this disgusting pole mount fixed?

    Dish should fix it for free if you have protection plan, just tell them you have signal loss and to make note it needs a new pole. You could also do it yourself. The proper way would be a 7-8' pole with 3ft in the ground. A lot of times it's hard to get past 2' though but that's my personal...
  12. Jim S.

    how much would it cost to get this disgusting pole mount fixed?

    A local retailer put this dish in, I think about 10 years ago. I don't remember how long the pole was, but as you can see there's 4 feet above ground, so I'm sure there's no more than 2 feet underground, if it's even a 6-foot pole and not 5 feet. More to the point, the ground was very rocky...
  13. AZ.

    will this DirecTV under eave mount work

    That looks just like the mount my Direct TV guy installed on my home.
  14. marklyn

    will this DirecTV under eave mount work

    Roof being replaced and would prefer to do a under eave mount on my brick wall instead of punching holes in a new roof. Considered a ground pole mount but decided it was too complicated to move dish where that would need to be done. So, would this work, even though it's for DirecTV or does...
  15. Stuart Sweet

    WRONG TOOL/RIGHT TOOL: Ground your antenna

    Our “Wrong Tool / Right Tool” series, now in its 11th year, helps DIYers choose the best way to move forward with common projects. Folks, you should be grounding anything and everything on your roof. If it’s metal, it will have a tendency to accumulate static electricity. That’s the first step...
  16. cyberham

    Intelsat 18 180.0E Ku

    Today wasn't a good day to try this since there were clouds obscuring the sun partially. On a clear day, I will check the yard near the end of the day when the sun is at about 13 degrees elevation to see what I can discover. 13 degrees elevation occurs around 5:30 pm local time. At that time...
  17. N6BY

    Intelsat 18 180.0E Ku

    No, not what I meant. Exactly. Any ground not covered by shadow when the sun lines up with the satellite is a place where you can plant a dish to receive the satellite. ... At 5:22 PM I saw a large section of my backyard bathed in sunlight. Just have to decide if I want to move my 1.2 meter...
  18. W

    Local Dish: Worth Pursuing?

    I’d be curious why the cables are hooked up now when they weren’t before. That’s a nice solid mount. But if it was me, I’d pass, as I don’t have someone who could remove it and install it in my yard for cheap enough. Someone insured, as this is really close to a building. I’d prefer something...
  19. Stuart Sweet

    Fall is here: Time to get ready

    This year sure has flown by, hasn’t it? This is the first year in a long time when practically everyone feels good about being out and about. There may be some health concerns in the months to come, but that’s a problem for tomorrow, right? Today the weather is pretty good, and maybe you might...
  20. Comptech

    Lightning Strike Yesterday!!! OUCH!

    All six of my antennas and my two sat dishes are all grounded with 4 gauge wire to my house ground. But even that will not protect you from a direct hit. I still throw radio cables out the window when bad storms hit.
  21. Lone Gunman

    Lightning Strike Yesterday!!! OUCH!

    As I mentioned in my last post.......I have those wires where I can disconnect them at the plug in installed when storms are around or predicted. Picture a male and female 4 pin plug with one side of it mounted in the Vbox and the other connected to the dish. Maybe I can post a pic if you...
  22. FTA4PA

    Lightning Strike Yesterday!!! OUCH!

    I haven't used a VBox in a few years. Isn't it correct that even if the coax to the dish is disconnected during a storm there are still the control wires to your actuator from the VBox that remain connected at all times? This 'path' into your home would be enough for lightning to find it's way...
  23. Stuart Sweet

    NICE AND EASY: What’s the best place to mount your antenna?

    OK, cards on the table. A lot of people pay too much to watch TV. If you subscribe to pay television, you’ll find it’s a great value but your bill is still probably over $100. Even if you stream, a subscription to the five most popular services will also get you close to that $100 mark...
  24. Josh.M

    Will a Dish Installer bury coax, splice into existing coax?

    Not even going to pretend to have the same knowledge as you guys do when it comes to installing our equipment. You're the expert there :)
  25. cyberham

    SG2100 motor maximum weight limit

    I've owned and used my SG2100 for 12 years. Over that time it has turned a Fortec Star 1.2-metre and a Star Choice 1-metre dish. The 1.2-metre dish weighs 17 kg (37 lbs). The motor has worked OK but I wouldn't recommend this combination. My dishes were always well shielded from the wind and...