Search results for query: dish grounding

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  1. T

    Yet again! No horizontal on ses 1 at 101

    I used to tweak the dish by hanging a rope off it and pulling on it from 30 below. It worked and it hash't moved in over 30 years. The dish is 36 feet to the centre, 41 to the top. Never moves.
  2. arlo

    Yet again! No horizontal on ses 1 at 101

    It's true that thin walled c band waveguides are easily distorted by the holding bolts. Seems that just when you get your signal maxed and you give the bolts (3 in my case) that final little grunt to keep it all in place. There goes the signal. I filed the bolt ends flat where they contact the...
  3. T

    Yet again! No horizontal on ses 1 at 101

    WOW! Good eye, yes it is a Prodelin solid. Dead solid, never has twitched in 39 years. Only the snow slows me down. I made the column out or 16 inch heavy wall steel tube. At the end I have a schedule 40 pipe box fitted into the square tube (three 1 inch thick plates with a hole in the centre...
  4. GraniteStateColin

    Joey 4's Lose Streaming & MOCA Internet, but Dish programming works fine

    Thanks I'll definitely try to follow those instructions. And when you say you have a Joey 4 with no problems, do you stream 4K, HDR videos from the non-Dish streaming services (Hulu, Paramount+, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video (but as an app, not via channel 301), Netflix (but as an app, not via...
  5. GraniteStateColin

    Joey 4's Lose Streaming & MOCA Internet, but Dish programming works fine

    Sorry, Hopper 3 is connected via Ethernet cable. But, I have also tried Wi-Fi and both top and bottom Ethernet ports. Makes no difference. Same problem occurs regardless. Your grounding suggestion sounds promising. I recall the installer commenting when he swapped the Hopper to see if that...
  6. tjboston5676

    Joey 4's Lose Streaming & MOCA Internet, but Dish programming works fine

    Hard to tell from your post, are you connected to internet via wifi or ethernet? When connected to some wifi routers for whatever reason it can cause moca drop outs. And going to ethernet usually resolves it. If already connected via ethernet, you may try a different ethernet cable. The...
  7. M

    Up-to-Date Accurate Ku Listing of FTA Satellites

    I kept a live list of C and Ku-band for all of North America, as well as some West Coast observations of a few Asian satellites that I encountered while building a cable system at a Canadian-owned gold mine in Far East Russia, back in 2008. That refined my knowledge base acquired while...
  8. T

    Yet again! No horizontal on ses 1 at 101

    OK. Now I think I have confirmed the answer. Everything runs perfect on 4180 H, all day long. No flucuations, pixelation, freezes, etc. UNTIL around 9 PM. Then it starts, everthing you would not want. All other V and H are affected to a much less degree. Sats on either side perfect. It lasts...
  9. HipKat

    Dish location on new home

    Grounding is not the mandatory thing it used to be. In-house guys will still get QA'd on it but it's not something I'd get too worried about
  10. primestar31

    Dish location on new home

    EVES mount. Don't punch holes in your roof. My tv tower is on the opposite side of my house from my service entrance, so I have a ground rod at the tower, and also a 6 gauge solid copper wire running from the tower, all the way to the ground rod by the service entrance to bond them together.
  11. tjboston5676

    Dish location on new home

    Mount the dish where there's line of site then run messenger cable (zero breaks) to grounding location and install ground block. While technically it should be grounding per the NEC, 90% of installations do go ungrounded. Most likely it won't be an issue. In my experience an ungrounded system...
  12. Pepper

    Dish location on new home

    Mrs Pepper told me back in the day, she didn't want anything attached to the house, so all my dish antennae are in the back yard on poles. Line of sight is over the house. This also makes it easier to get to if you ever want to adjust something. Also when it's in the yard and they'll be burying...
  13. TheKrell

    Dish location on new home

    I just signed a new 2-yr agreement with Dish to get their best promo without careful consideration of where I might be able to locate a dish on my new home. Don't judge. It turns out that the home is situated facing SSE, so according to the DishPointer website, it looks like a clear LOS if the...
  14. arlo

    What in the world am I doing wrong?

    Look. The CM/Andrews/Raven dishes are basically the same animal. No need to dive deep, just accept that the look angle is 22.6 degrees. If you're a tenth or so off either way. No biggie. Is that thing flopped on the ground and propped up with your brother's boots? Let's see the back of it. Does...
  15. cyberham

    FTA Contact in Japan

    The local courier company advises they will pack and ship the dish to me as they would handle a large household appliance. I should receive it next week. So total cost including purchasing the dish is only going to be about US$90 delivered. Sometimes I get lucky. I can install it in my driveway...
  16. cyberham

    FTA Contact in Japan

    I laugh too when I see HD OTA antennas advertised. In marketing, if it works, stick with it. Lots of people don't understand so it may work on them. The reason I like a 1.2m dish if possible is I would plan to try a Titanium C-band LNBF on it too (at separate time from a Ku LNB). There isn't...
  17. Bruce

    Charter claims they are going to provide better pricing

    Who cares about the percentage, I care about the final costs. Dish-package close to YTTV is America 120+ at $102.99, plus $14 for locals is $116.99, then a DVR is $10, plus one more box is $7, a total of $133.99, $60 more then YTTV. DirecTV-package close is Choice, but no RSN or fee of course...
  18. cyberham

    FTA Contact in Japan

    Thanks for the detailed feedback. We are now at our house near Togane, Chiba. We are 1 1/2 hours by train one-way to Akihabara, Tokyo. I can take day trips there with $19 for train fare in my pocket and energy for a lot of walking. On arrival, we discovered we must first address "minor"...
  19. O

    Channelmaster Mount Hacking

    Thanks for the feedback. Yes, the torque applied to those plastic gears will shred them. My intention is to install on a NPRM at ground level, which offers fence protection to the east, south, and west, but will still give me look angles from about 85W through to 145W.
  20. A

    Problems with local channels using DirecTV and StarLink internet access

    Last week I setup my new DirecTV (DTV) Streaming, Gemini steaming device and StarLink internet service. I had problems with the local channels switching to locations other than my billing address. (With DTV the local channels are supposed to be tied directly to your billing address) It seems...
  21. T

    No horizontal transponders on SES 1 101

    Thanks, I did several rescans, no luck. I was thinking 5G interference. I will put a spectrum analyzer on it today. But you make a good point, I may be off center. I had that issue with 87. I am too old to go up the ladder anymore, and am bringing home my man lift. The center of the dish is 36'...
  22. ancient

    TBS 6903-X Professional with Tvheadend: Success!

    Well, my final verdict is this: The TBS6910SE card is probably going to be returned. When I made my previous post I had assumed the issue was 5G interference, although that seems strange for a couple of reasons, one being that I am in a semi-rural area and there are no towers that I'm aware of...
  23. arlo

    OTHER C Band Orthomode Feed. How do you switch LNB's?

    The dirty mod thing doesn't really show detail. But is intriguing. So using the Geosat 8X1 (I always called it a bad). I need to send a constant 18-20 VDC down the coax to a 22kHz switch. Pretty much what I'm trying to do with the power inserter. Then the other coax hooked to the ku...