Search results for query: dish grounding

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  1. John2021

    Dish and DirecTV once again in talks despite antitrust.

    while i hate the dtv system. they do have channels that dish don't!!! i would let one go bankrupt and buy it on the cheap cause it's not worth anything in todays world.. why ATT want's 70% of it is beyond me. isn't charlies $$$ tied up in 5G??? i don't know of anyone that would want them..
  2. navychop

    Dish and DirecTV once again in talks despite antitrust.

    I don’t like the DTV system. May not matter, because I suspect both will be run together if there’s a merger. I just feel that taking over DTV is an emotional thing with Charlie. I expect it would be cheaper to let DTV fail and buy their satellites and maybe ground stations on the cheap. No need...
  3. Almighty1

    DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

    I am up north in San Francisco where on Tuesday Morning, there was a brownout for 2 seconds before the power went back on. On my system when I upgraded to the Hopper H3 in 2016 from a Hopper 2000 when I first got DISH in 2012 after Directv moved TVB Jadeword (Chinese Cantonese programming...
  4. T

    DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

    Maybe where the Tech was traveling from encountered snow issues?
  5. Josephinelcajon

    DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

    My dish became slightly out of alignment from dirt erosion under a temporary NPRM on the ground. Very heavy rains and then snow here in California. My highest signal is in the 20s but most channels I watch are working amazingly! The tech reported snow and did not show up which was a lie we have...
  6. Josephinelcajon

    DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

    You know that kids game stop-go well it seems to be a very confused game of stop-n-go Story time... After some heavy rains and then snow the ground underneath my NPRM eroded enough to lose 129. My new to me Birdog's were not properly programed, and their site is now completely down. I called...
  7. Y

    Goodbye Dish

    It sucks, but it is what it is. You can haggle with Dish afterwards, but their system is likely being rebuilt from the ground up. Stuff like this takes two plus weeks for normal sized companies. Dish is bigger than a normal sized company.
  8. dishdude

    DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

    You're probably missing a drip loop, the interesting thing is you'll never see this kind of corrosion with CATV or OTA antenna, the voltage the receiver send up to the LNB causes this corrosion.
  9. vulcanccit

    DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

    Well a good Radio Broadcast Engineer keeps a supply of RG-6 connectors on hand lol. Now that it is dry out, I thought, ok, lets just see what I can do from the ground as the dish is way too high up for me and my ladder is not tall enough lol. I remember Dish came out once before to do exactly...
  10. Jim5506

    Hopper 3 changes TV HDMI input

    Through many, many iterations of Dish receivers they all have a daily reset timer built in to flush memory leaks, empty poor software occurrences and clear the units ram for a nightly guide download (which also can happen anytime in the back ground). It is not unusual for the nightly reset to...
  11. -Jim-

    ANIK F2 - Thy End Is Near

    I'm looking to the bright side now. Going to one Bird will help us & our neighbor at our Cabin in the interion of BC. We run 4 buried cables in conduit about 300 feet from the dish to a multiswitch at the Cabin (with 4 cables going onto the neighbors' from there about 250 feet away. When...
  12. vulcanccit

    DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

    Hey gang, I just read through all of the postings for this thread. So my Hopper has no signal on the 3 ports up to the LNBs. Everything was fine Friday night... Saturday morning, complete signal loss. Googling this it seems SOME people have no dish tv service (Satellite), and I know of...
  13. Scott Greczkowski

    DISH Wireless Expands Cloud-Native Open RAN Network With Mavenir Open vRAN Software Solutions

    DISH Wireless Expands Cloud-Native Open RAN Network With Mavenir Open vRAN Software Solutions LITTLETON, Colo. and RICHARDSON, Texas, Feb. 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Mavenir, the network software provider building the future of networks with cloud-native solutions that run on the cloud, provided...
  14. J

    Ground Loop Via COAX

    Here is whats really strange that noise only seems to appear in the evening time. During the day the noise is still present but I can live with it. When 4 pm comes the noise sounds like a large hum especially from my sub. The dish guy came out and grounded the Dish but it did not nothing. Also...
  15. david_jr

    Ground Loop Via COAX

    I installed my first dish with DISH back in 97 and it was grounded. DISH has installed every subsequent dish and I'm not sure how many that is now, but none of their installs were grounded. Couldn't OP just disconnect the ground and see if that solves it? At least then he would know.
  16. E

    Need Info on Coax configuration in new House build

    That's because both answers are valid, its just one is better then the other. Ill attach a diagram below of the wiring you would need so you can get an idea of what it will look like. (VIP receivers and Wally's wired the same here). As you can see, it all depends on where you decide to place...
  17. navychop

    Ground Loop Via COAX

    None of my Dish installations have had ground wires. More for static electricity than lightning, I daresay.
  18. HipKat

    Ground Loop Via COAX

    HA! Good luck. No one grounds anymore and new techs can't be bothered to carry an extra box of cable with the messenger. They use regular single way too often
  19. HipKat

    Ground Loop Via COAX

    If any DTV hardware is in the system, that's a problem
  20. Foxbat

    Ground Loop Via COAX

    What I said was this separate ground path is the source of your ground loop. You need a low impedance bond between the Service Ground and your dish’s ground rod. I ran #8 copper cable between my Service Ground rod and the ground rod where my Dish antenna cable entered the house and this made...
  21. E

    Ground Loop Via COAX

    That doesn’t sound right to me, an actual technician will have to confirm though. All of the satellite dishes I’ve mounted have had a grounding point on the foot of the dish, and as far as I know Dish uses coax cables with messenger wires for this exact purpose.
  22. J

    Ground Loop Via COAX

    The direct TV system was grounded to a stake in the ground it didn't solve the problem. The Dish guy stated that they do not ground the dish for lightening strikes. Either way its not the problem. Something nasty is coming through the coax but I Am not sure where its coming. I am starting to...
  23. Foxbat

    Ground Loop Via COAX

    ...problem at my current house in 1996 when I first installed my Dish. Fortunately, I was able to trench in a copper ground line from my Dish grounding rod to the Service ground. Hum no more! Since this is the Joey 4K with the problem, the loop may be coming through your HDMI cable to your TV...
  24. HipKat

    Ground Loop Via COAX

    All HDMI Cables are not the same. The ones he wanted to sell you may or may not have a similar picture but the construct is completely different
  25. J

    Ground Loop Via COAX

    HDMI cables are all the same unless we are talking about long runs or using eARC, outside of that I can take a 15 year old HDMI cable and get the exact same results with a 100 dollar optical cable. A Power Strip will not remove a ground loop noise hum coming from the Coax via the dish. Its a...