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  1. twizt3dsist3r

    I think I have made a big mistake

    Try to force a software download that will tell you if you can communicate with the dish at the very least, I would say repeat sat setup for step 2.
  2. twizt3dsist3r

    DirecTV Santa Tracker Live ch110

    To help kick off the holiday season, AT&T DIRECTV has launched Santa Tracker, an interactive TV App filled with family-friendly holiday games, music, karaoke and more, as well as the ability to track Santa on his journey around the globe on Christmas Eve! Santa Tracker has been available on...
  3. twizt3dsist3r

    DIRECTV Local Channels Negotations

    One would hope...
  4. twizt3dsist3r

    DirecTV Santa Tracker Live ch110

    just as the title says there is a santa tracker live on ch110, I dont have much information on it, since my daughter just showed it to me. More information to come I assume. For now I am assuming it requires an internet enabled hddvr, unsure of Genie Lites or HD boxes.
  5. twizt3dsist3r

    Completely off subject...

    Wish you well buddy, remember cable is for life, well be here to destroy your soul always :p. In all seriousness it has been fun chatting with you for the past 7yrs too, if you ever make it to the east coast hit me up! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
  6. twizt3dsist3r

    Trying to find info on the new HR54 wirelss system - can anyone help?

    A bit, try 2 1/2 yrs lol. But i can answer this... it is going to be released when dtv's hdpc-20 is. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
  7. twizt3dsist3r

    4K instalation

    Just plug the am21 in the same way it was previously to the hr54 and reboot Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
  8. twizt3dsist3r

    New Customer Genie Questions

    For three tvs, the best you will do is a max of 9 tuners, 1 genie and 2 combos, which will be hr24s. Ther are dual tuner, not tri as previously explained. Also your recording tuners will be limited by location. If the genie is in room 1 it can record 5 things at once but must view one of...
  9. twizt3dsist3r

    New winegard travler dish questions

    Unless they weld/solder the lnb on, there is no reason why it could not be changed to a rev 3 or 5, or dswm or swm5 for that matter. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
  10. twizt3dsist3r

    HR54 issue with 4K clients

    Clients needed a fw update. That's all Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
  11. twizt3dsist3r

    Nationwide Launch of 5 Reverse Band LNB Coming

    Read on regarding 13 vs 22. There are a ton of threads on it. And thats basically the setup im hearing about... with some twists. Legacy rvb lnb 6coax to a dswm13 or dswm30 ms, using both flex1 and 2. And i have heard.. but cannot confirm that 95 can possibly be diplexed onto flex1. But i...
  12. twizt3dsist3r

    Nationwide Launch of 5 Reverse Band LNB Coming

    LMAO well im 2 hours late... I literally just sent this to Scott.... oh well, August 4th guys, keep in mind it depends on warehouse availability. An no nothing with 95 can be integrated yet. The solution is not designed to be residential for right now either. There are rumors, but nothing...
  13. twizt3dsist3r

    Customer Service HORRIBLE

    You could always just upgrade to a c61 client then bribe the tech to service swap the genie. We can do it for free. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
  14. twizt3dsist3r

    Should I have received 4k equipment

    we can only do correction orders within 14 days. unfortunately you need to pay full price for 4k now. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
  15. twizt3dsist3r

    HR 24 receiver and 2 tv's

    Check the hdmi control setting under video, make sure it's off. And make sure when you turn the main rooms TV off your not turning the box off too Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
  16. twizt3dsist3r

    Will DirecTV carry 4k LIL, starting with WRAL-TV, Now in 4k via ATSC 3.0.

    I don't see this happening till a great many more markets go atsc3. There are areas that still don't have all lil. And let's not even talk about subchannels. I do think the atsc3 will come, but not for a while Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
  17. twizt3dsist3r

    Anybody know when the 4K 5 LNBs will be out?

    I understand but inside our internal system Hispanic packages are considered international because the channels are optional. I believe that pilot is related to select LiL areas Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
  18. twizt3dsist3r

    UFC 200 In 4K for $69.99.

    Seems weird it would be ppv on 106 that's all Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
  19. twizt3dsist3r

    UFC 200 In 4K for $69.99.

    106 or 105? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
  20. twizt3dsist3r

    Anybody know when the 4K 5 LNBs will be out?

    My home market still has SD locals and we do not have Rev 5 lnbs at all for example. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
  21. twizt3dsist3r

    Anybody know when the 4K 5 LNBs will be out?

    SD locals would only be considered part of base if the dma had no hd. And Spanish is considered international, so no its not what I was referring to. I don't have a list of dmas that are in this pilot, nor was I a part of it, but I now believe the office that serves that poster was involved in...
  22. twizt3dsist3r

    New Genie & HR2x Software Coming...

    International + reverse has been discussed numerous times, the solution remains the same in that there isn't one. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
  23. twizt3dsist3r

    Anybody know when the 4K 5 LNBs will be out?

    The guy in OH is probably in a testing market, these are only being installed in markets that need the 119 for base programming Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
  24. twizt3dsist3r

    Any Word on a Directv TRUE 4K Receiver?

    That answer has not been reviled in the cards I was dealt Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
  25. twizt3dsist3r

    Any Word on a Directv TRUE 4K Receiver?

    The only information I have right now about the next big thing is that it will have an hdmi port. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk