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  • Server Issues.

    We are very aware that there have been system issues the past few days. In troubleshooting the system, it has been determined that the issue is at our provider and is hardware related. The provider was going to move us to a new server, however we are now told by the provider the issue is at the data center in St. Louis. They have offered to move us to a different datacenter on the East Coast or West Coast, however at this time we have declined the move to a different data center as it would affect the speed of connecting to about half our members.

    We are waiting for more information from our provider, however we are trying to ride this out to stay in the same data center, so that when the server is fixed all users in the US will get the fastest connection possible.

    If after some time the issue is not resolved we will be forced to move to another data center, if this happens there will be down time, as they will need to transfer everything to the new server and we will need to update the DNS and other settings for the new IP address of the new server. If we have to do this, the time it will take to move will be out of our hands.

    We are going to try our best to weather through this, so we thank you in advance if you encounter any issues.

    Sorry for the issue!
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    VOOM Receivers

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    VOOM Receivers

    They are gone.
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    VOOM Receivers

    If anbody wants them, pay shipping and their Wednesday they go in the trash...
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    VOOM Receivers

    That's what they would be good for OTA.. I think I'll look at ebay and see if any are for sale there.
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    VOOM Receivers

    They are the 550 models...I don't remember. O-well just cleaning out the closet...
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    VOOM Receivers

    I have 2 VOOM receivers for sale or trade. They were working when the service was disconnected. No remotes. Don't know what they are worth..but will take all offers or trade for Blu-ray movies....
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    External HD

    Thanks Jimbo
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    How tranfer recordings from one DVR to another ?

    I don't get it...that's why I asked how..
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    How tranfer recordings from one DVR to another ?

    How is this done/ Do I need an external HD?
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    External HD

    Can I use this drive to get more storage room for a HR20-700? Also is there any way to transfer recorded shows to DVD from the HR20 or external drive?
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    POLL: After VOOM, who will be your provider?

    I'm going with Time Warner as I have 3 HDTV's and can lease 3 HD-DVR's and not have to buy equipment. I also get a $20 off my bill for a year with no contract. If VOOM comes back in another form I not tied to cable.
  12. B

    April fools: Did anyone notice?

    Not getting them here....My wife was so exicited for channels 452 and 453... ;)
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    Dolan to invest $400M in Voom

    Mr Dolan I am ready to invest in VOOM........ :D
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    Vava Vroom

    I've never tuned in 501, but I will tonight when I get home. Is the PQ people are talking about just on certain channels @501?
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    Vava Vroom

    I have a FP system that is 2 1/2 years old shooting to 120" screen. We sit back about 13' to 15' and I am always impressed with the VOOM picture on any channel we watch. I guess PQ is in the eye of the beholder.... or something like that.
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    This is great news. Deep pockets are needed to fund VOOM for the next 2-3 years Like the song says: "These sre the best of Times" :D :yes
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    Great News - Voom Is Here To Stay!!

    This is for the Doom and Gloom Nay-sayers: na-na-na-naa-na-na-na-naa-na :yes :yes :yes :D :D :D
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    Verizon to become next HD leader?

    Well I already have Verizon Wireless with 3 lines, I will sigh up here in Houston in a heart beat....... :D :yes
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    Rainbow Media puts pressure on Dish Network

    I get a invoice from VOOM every month. I have never seen anything about a price increase, or been told of one thru email or phone.
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    Greetings from CES 2005!

    Thanks Scott......
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    Greetings from CES 2005!

    Scott don't forget to take a look at Samsung's world's biggest flat-panel TV with a 102-inch plasma screen.....there goes my daughters collage fund.