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  1. M

    Recommend where to buy COAX cable...

    I ended up takiing that roll back and getting the same stuff but Quad Shielded. I know it might not make that much of a difference, but... I wanted to get the best I could find and afford and not settle for something knowing that they had a better product right there but I just didnt buy it...
  2. M

    Recommend where to buy COAX cable...

    I ended up going with this stuff from Home Depot. The only thing I see that Im not sure about is the MATV rating and the fact that its only Dual shielded and not Quad shielded. Is that something I should worry about? I figure Im only gonna re-do my wiring 1 time for the next 10-20 years...
  3. M

    Recommend where to buy COAX cable...

    Why is some COAX rated for "In-Wall" installations and most is not? Looking on the Home Depot site the "In-Wall" stuff goes for about 80 cents per foot, where as the "Not Rated for In-Wall" stuff goes for much less. Can you explain that to me?
  4. M

    Recommend where to buy COAX cable...

    Does Dish sell COAX cable to its customers?
  5. M

    Recommend where to buy COAX cable...

    I am looking at replacing most if not all of my in-house COAX cable for my Dish Network and Charter Spectrum Internet (60 mbps). To make a long story short, I was rustling around in my basement ceiling (where all my COAX is) and started to re run the actual paths because the people before me...
  6. M

    Possible Upcoming Software Update

    I just noticed that both my Hoppers and 1 Joey were all updated sometime in the last 4-5 days. That is also the exact time that both my hoppers and Joeys had started locking up requiring me to hit pause then skip forward or skip backward to knock it out of the lockup. Usually this works but...
  7. M

    Transfered shows wont play...

    Foxbat, I think you might be onto something here. It seems to me that my troubles occured when I tried to transfer the recordings from one of my 722's to the other. I already called Dish and asked them if the copyrights were somehow blocking the shows and they said that the copy limits were...
  8. M

    Transfered shows wont play...

    What do you mean you cant help? You mean that there is nothing I can do? Or that the answer is some type of hacking?
  9. M

    Transfered shows wont play...

    I kinda figured they were lying or didnt know their ass from a hole in the ground... I have tried transfering them back. they just wont play no matter what. I am currently doing the 5 minute reset... Yep I only talked to the low level guy, they didnt seem to want to help me or let me talk to...
  10. M

    Transfered shows wont play...

    I was on the line with Dish...They told me that you are only allowed to copy a show back and forth something like 2-3 times. And that the reason that I cant view the programs is that some kind of copy protection is blocking the programs. I asked them if they could remove it since they NEVER...
  11. M

    Transfered shows wont play...

    If you mean unhooking the power cord and waiting 60 seconds and then plugging it back in...Ive tried that. Doesnt help. This Sucks... Some of the stuff that I appear to have lost is replaceable...But one show isnt. I had a Chicago Cubs game recorded that I attended with my brother and we...
  12. M

    Transfered shows wont play...

    I own 2 Dish VIP722's. I had some content on one of them and I bought an external Hdd to put them on. I hooked up the external Hdd and transfered everything I wanted. I checked the shows and they all played on the External Hdd. A couple of days later I decided to transfer them back to my...
  13. M

    Can I install larger Hdd in 622?

    Hey, Yo... I recently purchased the 622 HD-DVR from Dish. My question has to do with the Hdd inside. Can I crack it open and increase the size of the Hdd so I can record MORE content? Or add another one via USB or something? I havent looked so I dont know. But it seems to me that i will...
  14. M

    How to set up signal booster?

    Just so it address is 53 N. Clinton Ave. Clintonville WI 54929. And I am trying to get my Green Bay Local stations. Which are about 40-42 miles east of me. Also is there a way to go back and look at all the posts I have made on my account. Cause I listed in 1 post about 1...
  15. M

    How to set up signal booster?

    Well the picture is clear. Its just on NBC and FOX it seems unstable. It will bounce between 75-70 and it seems when it hits 70 it blocks up and drops the signal. When you say having the booster that close to the transmitter what do you mean? From the really crappy picture that came with the...
  16. M

    How to set up signal booster?

    Oh sorry. Yeah can they move it?
  17. M

    How to set up signal booster?

    I have a question about a regular HD antennae, with a signal booster. I originally had the antennae setup and there were 2 local channels that I was getting bad reception on. Fox and NBC. The rest of my locals which are within 2 degrees of each other and 2-3 miles come in great. So I bought...
  18. M

    Locals HD video lock-up...

    Well now that you mention it I think it does seem to be screwing up on 2 different channels. My WIWB 14 and WLUK Fox 11. especiall on Fox 11. I think Ill call them.
  19. M

    Locals HD video lock-up...

    Well I have a VU-90XR antenna from Radio Shack. I did get the HD cable. But I did not get any type of amplifier. I have noticed that when I plug it in to the TV ant. jack the locals look sharper than if I plug them into the 411 reciever. The only reason I want to go thru the Dish Network...
  20. M

    Locals HD video lock-up...

    Hello, I live at 54929(Clintonville,WI). I have Dish Network and an OTA anntenae for my Locals in HD. I am using the 411 HD reciever. My TV a 42" LG LCD has a anntenae jack on the back...Which works great. Also my 411 has the OTA signal integrator. Meaning that my locals from the...