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  1. D

    U206 fixes found

    IR discreet off works now.
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    HWS 204 Bugs

    I have found a work around for not being able to see the recordings in a folder on HWS 2 from HWS 1. Use the red options button and change the sequence. All of the recordings will show. You have to change the sequence back afterwards.
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    HWS U203 Bug Reports

    Yes I did. I did it on both. Since then, I did a factory reset on both. After getting all of my settings to what I want, I noticed that the move of everything from HWS 1 to HWS 2 stopped. However, even stranger, I now have HWS 2 copying 1 recording to HSW 1 over and over again. No, all of...
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    HWS U203 Bug Reports

    Yes I did. I did it on both. Since then, I did a factory reset on both. After getting all of my settings to what I want, I noticed that the move of everything from HWS 1 to HWS 2 stopped. However, even stranger, I now have HWS 2 copying 1 recording to HSW 1 over and over again.
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    HWS U203 Bug Reports

    I'm just curious. I've been having this issue from day one. Did you by any chance try the Hopper to Hopper transfer on the Hopper that received your recordings?
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    DISH Hopper Carbon UI Testing Forum - PLEASE READ!

    It hasn't ever started a download for me. How long did you have to wait before seeing the download start the first time?
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    DISH Hopper Carbon UI Testing Forum - PLEASE READ!

    I hope someone can help me with what I am doing wrong. I have done this procedure 3 times now for 1 of my 3 HWS using the download now button. Each time it: Reboots Screen saver screen appears After about a minute, it reboots a second time Screen saver screen appears After a couple minutes, a...
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    USB Sharing?

    You might try a USB powered Hub. I've they work on some models.
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    Sling adapter promotion - Make sure I understand

    Does this promotion allow for two of each? That is 2 Sling Adapters for $99 each and then receive 2 $99 rebate credit cards?
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    Why is my tuner suddently at channel 101 when I turn it on?

    It can also happen if at the time you turn it on, the channel that you were on has a lock for the current program. I see that a lot and when I do a recall, I have to put in my password for the channel.
  11. D

    Vip722k - L668 update

    This interesting to me at least, the VIP722K that got 668 now appears under "Other Devices" in my Windows 7 Ultimate network display. Clicking it pops up a window with some properties and two links back to the 722K that don't work.
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    Special Retailer Chat?????/

    Sometimes my logic is backwards, but here goes anyway. Wouldn't Scott have to check in here to find out that everyone, including myself, believes he should enjoy Epcot Center and not check in here?:D
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    External Drive Not Moving all shows

    This may be stupid, but were any of the skipped shows PPV?
  14. D

    722K Screen Shots and Initial Setup Thoughts

    I've tried a couple of times, but of course I don't have the right remote. All it does is tell me it couldn't find either remote 1 or 2. Just wondering what it would do if I did have the right remote.
  15. D

    722K Screen Shots and Initial Setup Thoughts

    I wonder if the learning remote that comes with the 722k could be used to transfer setting, timers from my vip622 to a new 722k? The vip622 appears to have some sort of remote communication.
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    EHD Problem - Unsupported Device - Help?

    You could attach to a PC and run the standalone Maxtor/Seagate dianostic program to insure that the drive is working correctly.
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    Strange 61.5 Problem

    Thought I would update. Received 4.06, problem resolved....
  18. D

    Strange 61.5 Problem

    Thanks. Thought it might be something like that, but the timing of noticing it after the LNB change confused the issue. There is a firmware update for the 501, 508 and 510 out there, I just haven't gotten it yet. We'll see if that fixes the display system info.
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    Strange 61.5 Problem

    Setup: Dish 1000 for 110, 119 and 129; Dish 500, DP Dual for 61.5; DPP44; VIP622; 721; and 2 510s. A couple of months ago my LNB for 61.5 finally exceeded the LNB drift value to require a replacement. Ever since the replacement the System Display on both 510s have shown an error for 61.5...
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    DPP44 Trouble Shooting Help

    Stupid question, but have you reset the DPP-44? You do this by unplgging the receiver on port 1 and then unplugging the power inserter. Re-plugin the power inserter after waiting a few seconds. Wait a few more seconds and then plug in the receiver. This has fixed similar problems I've had...
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    Can a PPV be set on a DVR timer?

    If you "Hide Locked" I think it displays like that. Try unhiding locked and see if the display is better.
  22. D

    510 DVR 29.00 promotion question

    This is a purchase deal. I did it just before Christmas. You own this receiver. You may still have to pay the "Additional Receiver" fee if this is the second or greater receiver on your account. One cent different from the lease fee. I think that the 510 also has the DVR fee unless you have...
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    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    Thanks. That's what I thought, but I just wanted it confirmed...Doug
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    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    This may be a dumb question, but how long after SCIFI-HD becomes available does my VIP622 actually see and be able to tune to it?