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  1. Krapola

    Napa aerial

    My co-worker takes all HD GoPro vid...remote control plane...
  2. Krapola

    Napa aerial

    Simulsats...C-big, Ku-small...No subscritpion all arc...
  3. Krapola

    Napa aerial

  4. Krapola

    DIY SIMULSAT Dish for Home....

    Looks like an ATCi Taurus design....ATCi does not advert this Receive Antennae any longer that I can see at this time...If you are genuinely interested, I can inquire... Thanks
  5. Krapola

    DIY SIMULSAT Dish for Home....

    Here's a couple..
  6. Krapola

    Post what phone you use

    LightSquared Home - LightSquared What We Do - LightSquared
  7. Krapola

    Galaxy 15 Zombiesat no more.

    Your still an ass...No respect..
  8. Krapola

    G15 troubles

    The information for public consumption is already offered....I would not post speculation or rhetoric...I think it is understood that this type of failure has not been dealt with before...
  9. Krapola

    G15 troubles

    What, no "fun" for you any more?
  10. Krapola

    Will the Pansat 9200 HD display Non encrypted HD Powervu signals?

    PowerVu is the Equipment line, DES is the Encryption...
  11. Krapola

    G15 troubles

    I belong to a few other Sat forums for years ranging fromn NewZealand, Australia, China, Europe and US that I view Daily...This is the first time ever that I have experience such a disdane and respect towards your Hobby. I have been in the SatCom field since 1990 so I think I have a slight...
  12. Krapola

    G15 troubles

    First off, I do not take your comments personal, merely professional. Your indication of "we" in your rebuttal creates a narrative that you are speaking for every member..Really? My response to you was prompted by your callus statement of the "cable programmers having to migrate and...
  13. Krapola

    G15 troubles

    Just like Children when the Gumball machine falls over....Nothing is great about this...we have a lot of work to transition customers who ultimately suffer from this problem as you sit and proudly enjoy....:rolleyes:
  14. Krapola

    G15 troubles

    NICE...Millions of dollars lost for YOUR enjoyment...:up:up
  15. Krapola

    The Howard Stern Show

    The Sybian ride was interesting...and creepy...
  16. Krapola

    cat 5 and 6 cables

    Let me google that for you
  17. Krapola

    The Howard Stern Show

    That's why it's a 4+ hour show...variety...
  18. Krapola

    The Howard Stern Show

    You could have also, simply said, "No"...anything more invites debate..;)
  19. Krapola

    The Howard Stern Show

    Got it...So the Stern Show is the ONLY media you have an opinion on..
  20. Krapola

    The Howard Stern Show

    One could say that about ANY media distributed...Lets say O&A for example..:rolleyes:
  21. Krapola

    HDMI upgrade?

    I was not disagreeing with you...
  22. Krapola

    HDMI upgrade?

    That should be the only concern...25-30 feet span +, look at a better cable/connector...Under 25 feet, should be fine with the "reasonable" priced HDMI cables....
  23. Krapola

    The Howard Stern Show

  24. Krapola

    Can't get 58 West / Intelsat 9 Tonight

    We bring in NHK via IS8 on-pass to IS9...Atlanta uplinks the Gal13...What NHK's upcoming plans are is up to them and I would rather not want to comment..
  25. Krapola

    Can't get 58 West / Intelsat 9 Tonight

    I work in the Commercial side, not the to let people who know how a Coolsat IRD preforms with your home system...