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  1. ZetaMale

    About our future:

    You got that right. I try to be nice but some of those guys don't know how to play nice which makes it extremely difficult for me to be nice.
  2. ZetaMale

    About our future:
  3. ZetaMale

    About our future:

    Yes I am - and proud of it.
  4. ZetaMale

    About our future:

    But it's nice to know their slang so that you know what they're talking about. I didn't know what simp meant until a couple of months ago. So I decided to get educated on the Gen X/Y/Z terminology.
  5. ZetaMale

    About our future:

    They should pay me to go in there.
  6. ZetaMale

    Are you planning to upgrade to the iPhone 16

    We need another alien spacecraft to crash at Roswell.
  7. ZetaMale

    Are you planning to upgrade to the iPhone 16

    I was under the impression that they weren't going to allow that despite that it's your phone, not theirs.
  8. ZetaMale

    Are you planning to upgrade to the iPhone 16

    One other thing that bothers me about these new phones is the AI client side scanning. It doesn't matter if you encrypt your messages on those phones. They're adding such a feature to the latest Windows also.
  9. ZetaMale

    Are you planning to upgrade to the iPhone 16

    I guess it's what the market demands. I remember the good ol days when we freaked out over long distance charges until the Bell breakup. Then we complained how much our residential service skyrocketed but at least long distance charges were much lower. Now we don't seem to complain how much...
  10. ZetaMale

    Are you planning to upgrade to the iPhone 16

    I never buy new phones.
  11. ZetaMale

    Another Spectrum Auction?

    I have 500 Mb internet here at home and it seems fast enough with the enormous amount of devices that I have. I could get 1 Gb WAN but why?
  12. ZetaMale

    Musings on AM/FM radio

    We don't have HD radio where I am. I doubt it'll be coming to this small market anytime soon.
  13. ZetaMale

    Musings on AM/FM radio

    I rarely listen to music at home anyone - music was more important in my younger days. I do have a sub to SiriusXM and only stream in the vehicles over BT since local stations aren't interesting except for Kilmeade in the morning on a local AM/FM station. I sometimes stream Kilmeade in the...
  14. ZetaMale

    Site is slooooow

    I spoke too quickly. But it seems to be zipping along again but for how long.
  15. ZetaMale

    Site is slooooow

    It seems to be zipping right along now.
  16. ZetaMale

    Site is slooooow

    It's still very slow for me.
  17. ZetaMale Online Store is Closing

    Not complaining dude. Just stating what I plan to do. Get over it.
  18. ZetaMale Online Store is Closing

    I guess I'll be paying for streaming packages in the near future.