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    Learned about AVG Free in an A+ Cert class Fall 2003 and have been running it ever since.
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    Tivo verses At&T. I lost.

    Are you still on dial-up? Is High Speed Internet available? If so, having the TiVo on a home network will allow it to get it's Guide data.
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    Susan Boyle a Hoax???

    I don't know, that is a pretty drastic change. On the BGT clip she looks like one of the Monty Python guys in drag, think John Cleese, and the other photo she looks pretty normal.
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    What were missing

    Pretty much. *yawn*
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    Comcast is coming!

    Precisely. My area has had HSI through Road Runner for over a decade, I jumped on Verizon DSL when it became available ~ 5 years ago. But, now it seems Verizon doesn't want to do an upgrade from 1.5 Mbps down, let alone bring us FIOS. Just seems like they don't care to compete with TW in my area.
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    Trailer Park Boys

    Right, which is how I want to watch them. The fact that the first ep. on the 101 was stretched SD meant I felt no reason to watch the rest.
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    Trailer Park Boys

    Discovered it here, the clip where Ricky is doing a satellite feed for the Park, and did it Season-by-Season through Netflix. Recorded the initial installment on the 101, but the HD was stretched SD. No go.
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    5 days of Comcast, back to DTV

    Confirm. That's how I handle my weekly fix of The Soup.
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    No Directivo until 2010

    Honestly, the way some people go on and on about TiVo, you'd think it cured AIDS. And I've been doing DVR for 8 and a half years. TiVo's a fine platform, but as you say, it's not the only one. And you don't get programming from TiVo, though I would say the ideal situation is if you can get all...
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    no new HD channels today :(

    Happy Birthday. Here's hoping you get some cheese to go with your whine. Me, I'm too busy enjoying the MLBEI freeview in HD, plus the Basketball tonight. Enjoy what you got before it's taken away.
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    About to switch to D* from E*, but have some doubts. Convince me!

    *ding* WINNER! IMO one should pick their multichannel provider based on the programming choices offered NOW, not what they might offer in the future. Do your research, make your decision, and then don't fret it. If a newer/better provider emerges in the future, then reconsider.
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    DirecTV Mines Cancellations

    Here's hoping Life On Mars gets added.
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    The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien

    ...which seems weird since you started the thread.
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    What would you ask A-Rod in today's press conference?

    Arod, while you deny taking Human Growth Hormone, is true that Madonna took Whoreman Growth Humans?
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    What would you ask A-Rod in today's press conference?

    All of AFraud's problems are the result of the fact that he didn't go to College. We should start a fund.
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    TiVo DVR questions for OTA

    If you don't have a landline, then your workaround is Internet access through a home network so TiVo can download Guide data. TiVo Community Forums are an excellent resource for all things TiVo-related.
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    Sony HT-SS 2300

    That's always my approach to audio, no offense to the OP, but I have zero interest in HTIB units for several reasons: 1) the component approach, while costly, will yield better quality since I'm making the choices 2) there's more flexibility when usng the component approach. 3) any time you...
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    Sony HT-SS 2300

    I recall seeing a user comment on the SONY Style web site that the unit was incapable of decoding DTSMaster-HD audio format. Don't know how big a concern for the average user that would be though.
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    Price increase during a RECESSION?

    Put up an antenna, Tony, or go free-to-air. Problem solved. People b*tch, but don't take action.
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    No DVR for XM anymore?

    It's my understanding that the R15 was capable of recording X-M as well.
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    The White House wants your opinion on The DTV Delay ACT Bill

    You probably don't vote either. Way to be a part of the problem. Exercise the rights you're given so they're taken away.
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    Anti-Virus "Disappears"?

    It's one of the best things I took away from an A+ Certification course.
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    Pioneer to Stop TV Production

    Probably the reason they're stopping production given the current economic climate.
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    D* has picked the ball back up. IE: Nascar hotpass

    But, people reamed him while he was in charge! Not me, I was thrilled to have someone with a Network affiliation in charge. We were warned about how it wouldn't improve with Malone in the driver's seat and it's true. I hate to say it, but I wish he would see to AT&T.