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  1. T

    Are there any differences between the 54.0 and the 54.1 remotes? (Other than the logo on the bottom of 54.1)

    How do lots of people get free remote offers? Been a dish customer for 20 years with a big package and they never offer me a free remote. Who do I pester to get a free 54.0 or 54.2 or 54.3?
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    Leave and Tree Interference

    I was getting a couple of over the air stations with a small soffit mounted antenna. Now that the trees are full leafed out I am not longer getting a signal. Is this coincidence or is it due to the trees? Can I freely assume that a bigger antenna mounted about 15 feet high would restore my...
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    Any point in buying a Joey 4K?

    I see Joey 4ks on EBAY for approx $90. I pay 7 dollars a month rental for my current Joey 4K. Will I still be charged a rental feel even if I own the Joey? My guess knowing Dish is that they have us coming and going. But I am curious if I buy a Joey 4K outright and hook it up myself will...
  4. T

    Is Dish offering free Hoppe 3 upgrades

    Well I thought I might have gotten misinformation. Ends up a push, either the service plan or pay for the service call. Same price either way. The tech ran into some minor problems with getting my programming mostly due to MLB extra innings and ended up being her for two hours. Charlie...
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    Is Dish offering free Hoppe 3 upgrades

    I just did a Hopper3 and Joey 4k upgrade. Did an on line chat and was offer a bad deal initially. Told them that was not good enough and I had been a DISH customer for more than 10 years, etc. etc. and they needed to do better. Got them down to free upgrade including service call, but needed...
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    Any reason to go with Joey 2.0 rather than the 4k Joey?

    Waiting on DISH. The third update on tech arrival came a while back. Started out with a 12-5 window, then a 12:30-2:00, then a 1-1:45, then a 1:45-3:00. Trying to end up with a Hopper 3 and a 4k Joey. No upgrade fees but a additional two year commitment. Service call fee unless I signed up...
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    Any reason to go with Joey 2.0 rather than the 4k Joey?

    I am convinced. 4K Joey. is what I will get. Now if the online chat was working on the DISH site I would take care of this now.
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    Any reason to go with Joey 2.0 rather than the 4k Joey?

    How about Super Joey? Throw that into the mix does anything change?
  9. T

    Any reason to go with Joey 2.0 rather than the 4k Joey?

    Title says it all. We don't have a 4k TV yet but it is coming for the bedroom unit. But maybe not for a year. Any downside to the 4k over the Joey 2.0? Speed would be nice, so why not get the 4K and avoid the rush later.
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    DISH Anywhere

    I will try some of the above work arounds next week after the all star break.
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    DISH Anywhere

    tried that and still get the same Pay Per View message for programming that I should be able to watch on my phone.
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    New Dual Tuner OTA Adapter

    Well I guess that puts me at Dish's mercy once again.
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    New Dual Tuner OTA Adapter

    I did a software update this morning. Thought that fixed things, but I have no access to the dual tuner, only able to tune in to one OTA channel. Went to the diagnostic screen and it says I have Software Version U234 6/14/2017, 6:35AM. Apparently Even though I did a software update, I did...
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    New Dual Tuner OTA Adapter

    When in doubt do the same thing over and over again. I went and did another software update. Then I scanned channels again and they are now on the guide and working. Like all things electronic, there is a bit of magic involved. Either that or a pact with the devil.
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    DISH Anywhere

    The only problem is that I am a Red Sox fan and MLB TV does not have them on for every game. There has to be a way as I have a friend who has no problems watching the Red Sox on his phone.
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    New Dual Tuner OTA Adapter

    I just installed the new dual tuner on a Hopper with Sling. The receiver recognizes it, and I go to a scan of OTA channels, and get the dreaded message of no channels found. I have whatever the latest software is as of a couple days ago, but no channels are being recognized to populate the...
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    DISH Anywhere

    I have a Hopper with sling. I have also installed Dish Anywhere on my I Phone. I also subscribe to the MLB Extra Innings package that gives me just about every MLB game. My problem is that when every I try to watch the Red Sox on the phone I get a message that says the channel is a pay per...
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    Hopper 3 Joey 2.0 Upgrade

    Oh yeah, I have already ordered the over the air unit that will allow two over the air channels at once.
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    Hopper 3 Joey 2.0 Upgrade

    I looked to update my software this morning. I have version 234 for the Hopper with Sling. The on screed message says that I have the most recent version. Guess the new software is not out yet for the Hopper with sling.
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    Hopper 3 Joey 2.0 Upgrade

    We currently have a Hopper with Sling and a Joey. We run into lots of conflicts with recording and watching so the idea of 16 channels sounds great. Also the prospect of 2 OTA tuners is mighty appealing. Did a chat with Dish today and they said they would waive any one time lease fees, and...
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    Boston Area Channels

    Are the Boston area channels still spot beamed only?
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    MLB Extra Innings Now Available

    So there is a week preview free???? I have been a Direct TV subscriber just for the EXTRA INNINGS package. It has every Red Sox game in HD. How do I find out what will be available in HD for my Red Sox. I live in Wyoming and am not worried about blackouts. I woud love to dump Direct and...
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    MLB Extra Innings Blackouts

    that is certainly possible, but in lieu of watching it on MLB Extra Innings, I listened to it on the XM radio. So I was looking for it on TV at the correct time.
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    MLB Extra Innings Blackouts

    Sunday afternoon I was traveling, but got home for the second inning of the second game of the Red Sox/Tampa Bay Rays. I have MLB Extra Innings, so I turn it on and I get the not available in your area message. I live in Wyoming, so a blackout is not the case. Went to the website, and...
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    so thats it? two comments about his writing style, and one telling him what he now knows, no national networks available. I believe that DISH told him everything he says they did. They do try to take advatage either by design or by benign neglect in training there phone staff. He...