With all these increases Dish, directv, Comcast are eventually going to lose a good core of their subscribers in the next 2-3 years . Sure each year they lose subscribers and new ones come in but eventually more will leave and the new number of subscribers will be way down.
My grandpa is a prime example of a customer of AT&T who pays full price for his tv package and never bothers to call in and ask for a discount and they love him bc of that. Maybe if it wasn't $30-40 in fees added onto the bill for DVR fee, whole home fee etc they wouldn't be losing so many a year.
I can agree on that. DVR fees were ok 10 years ago when not so many people wanted/needed them. Now it's standard to get a DVR and Whole Home Service it shouldn't cost extra. I could see it being where they would have a minimum package requirement of one of the AT packages and if someone is on flex, welcome, smart, or Dish America the default would be a Wally or a Hopper for the additional charge (being those are aimed towards people on a budget).