Recent content by webbydude

  1. webbydude

    DirecTV Mirroring is Horrible

    Are you suggesting that you can get 60 or 70 foot of HDMI for less than 10 dollars? Furthermore what the OP was trying to state is the sales reps are saying it can be ran for free. I'm not sure of anyone that will wall fish or ceiling fish cable for free
  2. webbydude

    DirecTV Mirroring is Horrible

    The original poster is completely correct about having to run a second line. And it really is no way to diplex the outgoing signal with the incoming satellite signal. It completely trashes multi room viewing capabilities. And make no mistake about it, as an installer myself very few people...
  3. webbydude

    I live in Wheeling WV

    Well that stinks! Guess I had better work on flipping my Dish customers over DirecTV; or mention "moving"
  4. webbydude

    I live in Wheeling WV

    At the risk of sounding ignorant, I occasionally do installs down around that neck of the woods. When AND why did Dish yank those locals???????
  5. webbydude

    Directv dispute with Viacom IS OVER!

    **cough cough** Hulu? ;-)
  6. webbydude

    HD signal

    Overheated LNB perhaps? Creating drift especially on the 99 and 103
  7. webbydude

    Thank you guys!

    I am guessing there have been issues in the past during other carriage disputes?
  8. webbydude

    Directv dispute with Viacom IS OVER!

    is there any truth to the online rumor that Viacom even removed their content from Amazon? They're willing to slit their own throats with the $1.99 per download just to prove a point????
  9. webbydude

    DIRECTV HR34 Home Media Center

    Been a while since I've posted frequently, so not sure how to do multi-quotes. Regardless, in #250 you stated 101, 119 and 129 for Dish. A bit different than 110. Which is what I was addressing. Not a big deal; except the fact 101 is 9 degrees further south. Furthermore the 99 is even...
  10. webbydude

    DIRECTV HR34 Home Media Center

    Close... 110, 119, and 129 (WA) As you speculated earlier the directv orbitals might be blocked slightly or completely
  11. webbydude

    Dish 1000.2 Question

    With the 50' of cable you will be fine. Your HD programming is coming off of the 129. So the EA1000.2 dish is perfect BTW....welcome to SatGuys. :-)
  12. webbydude

    Diplexing SWM

    As a few others have posted, I've found that diplexing does work. Have been able to keep MRV going...but it seems to kill the frequency that the Home Cinema Kit uses. YMMV
  13. webbydude

    Service Restored to 129 Satellite!

    I tried the troubleshooting route for about 20 minutes and said, "screw it" and tried call DNS. As soon as I realized all numbers...and I mean EVERY SINGLE FREAKING NUMBER...was coming up busy, right then and there I knew something was up. Props to Scott and this site, because it was then I...
  14. webbydude

    Service Restored to 129 Satellite!

    Funny you mention that. That was the EXACT thing that did happen. Have been installing DirecTV exclusively and finally managed to get a local retailer to work with me and my D* schedule. Hell of a welcome back to installing Dish, huh? LOL
  15. webbydude

    Install using existing cable tap?

    If the condo association and maintenance is cool with the tech running a line from the dish to the lockbox, the I say, "go for it". Most likely the tech will just have to replace the splitter that is in your individual condo (most likely in the utility room or washer/dryer room) with a high...