Recent content by theslag

  1. T

    what model dish is this??

    looking at the pictures above...i have the one on the right with the single must get all the sats because I have a HR-20 and i get all the MPEG4 sats when i do a signal check....correct?
  2. T

    what model dish is this??

    Hi all.. very quick question... My old AT-9 dish finaly went, the one with the side car LNB. DTV came and put up the slimline but it only has one head on it that picks up all the sats for HD. What model dish is this??? Also, is alignment easier with this dish? The way the tech...
  3. T

    XM Removing Some Channels from DirecTV

    Ron and Fez rock, they are way better than O and A. If your ever in NY check them out at the XM studio. I did a few months ago, it was very cool. As for BTLS, his show is way better than Howard. I catch Bubba on the drive home and I would keep my service just for him and Ned!!! As for O...
  4. T

    Metallica Fans: New album pre-order up at Amazon

    Arrogant....yes...but very very rich. Im sure he isnt worried about mounting a dish...
  5. T

    Metallica Fans: New album pre-order up at Amazon

    Plus...who really cares...does Metallica or any other band pay you to like them? They should be kissing everyone ass who listens to them because while we are the ones driving fords and honda...they are driving lambos, 911 and f-50's....we are the fools getting all fired up over this and lining...
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    Metallica Fans: New album pre-order up at Amazon

    "No metal band will ever top Metallica......NO ONE! No one even comes close." Your kidding right?? Led Zep?? Sabbath? Doesnt come close to Metallica?? No..and it was Metallica that got the ball rolling on Napster, because one of their demos were on their. Then other bands follow suit...
  7. T

    Be Careful What You Buy On Ebay

    so let me get this stright..the person that sold you this unit on ebay sold it with pre-flashed hacked software? Im assuming for DN and BEV?? If so, this person had a huge set to sell that online... ebay record as of late hasnt been that good either...i think im .500 too for the...
  8. T

    ebay and FTA....

    Hi all.. I was poking around on ebay and looking at the coolsat 6000, they are going for super cheep, why? are the bootleg models??
  9. T

    Not an April Fool Special - $79 Mercury II - Satellite AV

    is this receiver good for someone starting out in the hobby? or would it be better to get a package deal with the receiver and the dish and motor..
  10. T

    help with install in PA???

    Hi all... Im looking to get into FTA this spring, but looking to do the install there anyone on this board from Northampton County that could help me do this?? Thanks!! G
  11. T

    dtv 5lnb dish....question

    hi all.. is there any way i can strap a LNB on my DTV at-9 dish to get G-10??
  12. T

    Test Channels 9300 & 9301 should stay on ! *Update: They are up now!

    I get please call Dtv...I have the HR20 just to get the HD locals, do not sub to the HD package...this is prob why I am getting the message?? Once the new channels are up, they are getting my cash...
  13. T

    Received 3 new HD Channels Today

    what do you get with the HD extra pac?? 3 channels??
  14. T

    Received 3 new HD Channels Today

    I do not have the HD package and been getting these same three for a week now...I checked on DTV online and nothing has changed in my package...
  15. T

    HDNET and HD movies and Uni HD--free preview??

    Hi all.. I have the HR20 for my local HD, and right now do not sub to the HD package, but this morning i have the 3 channels above turned on and still running? Is there a fre preview? I just checked my DTV programing and nothing has changed...