Recent content by sprad0023

  1. S

    hopper3 PIP-related crashes (2 of 2)

    ah.. yep.. agreed.. I think both issues (pip/multi) are related and both could probably be in one thread. It's very frustrating to deal with these issues. :-(
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    hopper3 PIP-related crashes -- problem report tracker

    yep.. the software stability with dish has gone downhill for a few years now. If I had to guess maybe 7/8 years now it started declining. Many times just with using PIP and switching back and forth it crashes. I stopped using anything in multiview because it crashes. It's one thing just...
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    MeTV Removed from Dish

    haha... was just scrolling through and turned to Green Acres and started singing the theme song for my wife. Now when I go back you can see it's unavailable after xx time.. this bites
  4. S

    H3 crashing with multiview option

    Yep... same issue here. It really sucked during ncaa and nfl when I used it more and it kept crashing.
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    Joey Pixelation.

    This has been an issue for many folks for a few months now. Switching channels used to work, but not any longer. I had to just unplug the OTA usb and it started working fine. I finally had enough of my wife complaining and now spend the expensive $12 for locals.. .boooo
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    Yep... I've been having the same Joey pixelating issue for a few months. I didn't know it was related to the OTA dongle until reading DJ's post.
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    So what do you think?

    I agree w/ many. Although I haven't provided much input here at the site, it does show me that the company has an open and helpful ear...